Friday, February 17, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Week 49 Check In

Welcome to Week 49 of Paint Party Friday! It is great to see so many familiar faces every week and meet some of the new players joining in... and, of course, to see your wonderful painting efforts! 

In our poll last week, we were talking about secret ingredients - and asking you to share your secrets! Many of you will add anything (and everything)... with book pages being the most popular choice. There are many of you who are purists however and prefer their secret ingredient be the most obvious - the paint itself!

We are noticing though that some of your paintings don't actually include paint or other secret ingredients. They are entirely digital! This week's poll asks about your digital painting experiences. If digital painting is something you have experimented with, or are a master of, we hope you will tell us more in the comments about the tools, software, apps etc that you have liked, found valuable and would recommend we try!

Please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 Check-Ins.

Have a great time at the party!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting again, Kristin & Eva!
    Look forward to seeing everyone's new paintings each Friday!

    I still prefer paints and brush to electronics. :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  2. Happy PPF to everyone and wish you all a great weekend. My arthritis is acting up terribly so I'll make it short. I'll try to get to your posts very soon. Happy days to all.

  3. I spent years working digitally at my day job, now I am all about doing it old school.

    I still use Photoshop and a Wacom tablet for work, but for my personal art, I have gone back to my roots.

  4. I truly do like the digital art, well some of it anyway. In this day and age I think that we are seeing just the beginnings of digi art and the ones that embrace it with passion will be known as big named artists of the future. Me I like my paint and sculptures.

  5. Thank you Kristin and Eva! I so appreciate all the work you do to make this party hopping every week! xoxo

  6. I think digital art has its place. To me it is too perfect. I like the little inperfections in really painting on a canvas. I am going to buy photoshop Elements and take a photoshop class so we will see. I know I will like it to manipulate photos but not my paintings. I like to get dirty!

  7. I'm not digital with my art but I love to take photos and play with them in the editing mode and with paint program that's about it for me and the tech-y stuff. am I showing my age? I wonder?


  8. After two months and a half I got back to painting. I still don´t have techie knowledge but I´m planning to. :D

  9. one of these days I'll get around to trying digital art, among many other things!

  10. I took Tam's digital course and I got a tablet for a gift this new year's but don't do much digital painting yet. I need to learn it first and become comfortable with it than we'll see if I can do a good enough digital painting for the world to see. :)

  11. I have had a tablet for years that my son bought for me when I got my computer. I have no idea how to use it! Otherwise I use Photoshop Element 9 and sometimes use the filters and change photos into something totally different. But then I print them and the colors that were on the screen are not true when they come off the printer..everything has a pinkish caste, so very discouraging.

  12. I would like to try the iPad app just for fun, but I still prefer the actual putting of paintbrush to canvas to create art. Oh by the way I'm having a giveaway of a painting for Valentine's Day on my blog.
    Happy PPF!

  13. I create art in an 'analog' mode, for lack of a better term, when I am creating for my sake - for creativity's sake. Painting, drawing, decoupaging, etc - but I am happy to do Photoshop touchup, montage, or illustrate with other Adobe applications when in my Graphic Design mode. I would like to skill up on vector illustration on my eternal quest to be 'more marketable', however :D

  14. I love to paint in watercolor and digital painting. I use Photoshop for my digital painting. I have a tablet and stylus. Usually I draw with it using different brushes. The beauty of digital painting is that you have the choice to download many different kinds of brushes to paint various kinds of textures and sizes. Then you can download other kinds of patterns, shapes for Photoshop for your various needs. I am a self study in digital painting and mostly I just experiment as I go along. Try it!

  15. Happy PPF! Last week I FORGOT to post my entry!!!!

  16. I have no idea where to start with digital and I'd like to learn but I still think I'll always prefer to use my paint brush attached to my hand the old fashioned way!!

    I hope you don't mind me linking today about my trip to Krakow - there is a painting involved but it's also a lot of photography (which for me is sort of a work in progress as I try to get to grips with getting better shots!)

  17. Love & use Photoshop for graphic art work (my job)... but for sheer pleasure nothing beats a paintbrush :)

  18. Hey, hey, another PPF is here! This time mixed media from my fav beach. Hugs, happy weekend and happy PPF! Love it!

  19. Je suis contente de retrouver tous les participants cette semaine encore!
    Happy PPF!!!

  20. David Hockney, one our the UK's greatest living modern artists, has a whole exhibition at the Royal Acadamy on a series of digital art he did on his pad of just one lane in the yorkshire countryside. I am hoping to see the exhibition next month. Check it out here
    Happy PPF
    Lesley x

  21. Very much enjoy looking at digital artwork on the blogs, some of it is so very clever. But for me I love the feel of the brushes and the paints and being able to touch all the textures when complete...... Happy PPF, Annette x

  22. I haven't found any time at all to paint this week, and I'm so sad that I can't join in the party and share something with you. But at least I can come and see what everyone else did :). The idea of painting digitally never really even occured to me! But I've seen some iPad painting which looks very intriguing. Maybe I should get one so that I can paint while on the train commuting... But I think I'll always prefer teh real thing :)

  23. I like to look all the blogs every week..I am new to the party and enjoy all the artwork !
    I do not do much digital Art...not very interested in this really to do by myself .... I love to make all by hand. Have to feel the materials between my fingers..
    but I like to see other awesome digital artwork!

    xxx from Austria


  24. I am a great fan of painting thx a lot
    Painting Company

  25. Some of the art made on the ipad I have seen blows me away...amazing...sometimes I use my ipad art apps to sketch out ideas for paintings.

  26. Happy PPF!! I am now getting into digital collage using my photos and artwork images. It feels like painting to me in a way! But I think that I will still always like the real thing.


  27. Jeff gave me the Bamboo Create pen and pad for Christmas which I am really excited about using but I must confess I haven't had the time to really try it out yet with all our overtime hours at work. I thought things would slow down after the holidays but we are busier than ever,ugh! This will be fun learning tips from experienced digital artists.Fun topic, thanks Eva and Kristin!

  28. My friend Cathy Bueti inspired me to also link here as I love to paint! Can't wait to check out all your links! Happy PPF!! :)

  29. good morning!! happy friday everyone, so nice to be here and can't wait to see what you all are up to!! better get started...

  30. Hi everyone,
    Dashing out the door for a mini getaway with my dear. I have left some of my Graphic work for you to look at, a whimsical Fairy door made on an Artist Conk and a link to Oprah's O Dream Board ...give it a try....will help you achieve all of your desires. Happy Paint Party Friday and Thanks to Eva and Kristin for this wonderful get together...luv it!


    p.s. please visit The Wood, haven't had time to post on Pastoral dreams as yet, sorry : )

  31. Happy PPF Everyone!
    I love to simply is my addiction!

    I have never tried..not really sure what d.p is!

  32. Happy PPF
    I love painting with watercolor - I have been experimenting with digital paint - but find it difficult...maybe I need to sign up for a photoshop class!

    happy weekend to YOU all!
    glad to be here, today!

  33. I'm so new to painting that I've got enough to learn just about real paint!!!

    Happy PPF! Thanks for hosting :)

  34. I love my brushes, and all my paint tubes! Sometimes just for fun I play with the scanned image, mostly for the blog. Happy PPF!

    1. darn blogger. blew away my comment AGAIN. I have to type all comments to blogger twice now. IF i'm smart, I remember to copy before i "publish"

      i only use digital to troubleshoot my paintings. Sometimes all I have to do is scan them and look at them on the monitor and I can see my "issues"
      other times, I darken them, add color, subtract. Sometimes I mess with the background. But I still have to actually paint the whole painting..

  35. I love the painting process, nothing like diving into a piece and getting paint all your hands. :)
    Happy PPF!

  36. thanks for hosting again this week, I just paint, thats all just paint!

  37. I paint digitally, and love it! I still do prefer "old-school" painting with real paints and brushes, but digital's great for when you don't have time or access to your supplies :)

  38. I clicked #2 because I have used Photoshop extensively and was trying to be accurate. But in the past year I've left digital behind and adore painting with real paint and brushes! Of course "digital" has paid me back by leaving ME behind...I don't have an iPad or even the latest version of Photoshop, and none of the "apps" that make painting digitally fun! Oh, well.

  39. Hi Eva and Kristin :). This is my first time posting in your party, though I know of many of the talented artists that are regulars. Thanks for the party! Most of my work is digital, but is usually a combination of traditional mediums combined with computer artistry.
    Stay inspired!

  40. I do like to "redo" or enhance old paintings. Sometimes it makes hem better!
    I do like the fun you can have with the brushes and effects of photoshop!

  41. I use mainly Adobe Illustrator, tablet and stylus. I started with those, when I started to draw again after years of not doing any art. It took me about one year, drawing almost every day a little bit, to get comfortable with it. I use same softwear at work, but not for art, so I have taken some courses. It was (and still is) most convenient for me, I don't need much supplies or room. But sometimes I try inkliners or watercolors. I'm sure there will come a day, I'll try new things, like acrylics... With digital you can't get real texture, or same richness of colors (as paint), that's it's biggest drawback, I think.
    Happy PPF!

  42. I use Photoshop and Lightroom for my PHOTOS and that's as digitally as I get. I'm glad that I can finally hold a paint brush without running away screaming of frustration!

  43. Hello Eva and Kristen, so great to participate in paint party Friday. I'm not digital, but lately have used picassa functions to mix photos with paintings, has been fun!

  44. I spend enough time at the computer. I cannot stand the thought of painting there as well. Just me! :)

  45. This is the first time I have been to your blog and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the wonderful evening of inspiration! I did link up, hope everyone enjoys my blog too! Thanks again!

  46. Better late to the party than never! I haven't been here in a's good to be back!

  47. I'm extremely late this week. But I am Here :0)

  48. hi ladies, just to let you know i nominated paint party friday for a versatile blogger award. the details are on my latest blog post. i'm so grateful to you for continuing to host this and create such a great online art community

  49. Late to the party again - it's not from a lack of trying that's for sure :> Have a great week everyone!
