Friday, March 11, 2022

Paint Party Friday: Week 52, Year 11 Check-In

Welcome to Week 52 of Year 11 here at Paint Party Friday. We continue to hope you are all safe, happy and healthy in this time of social distancing, and that art is helping to alleviate the stress of this unprecedented situation. And that things have improved and opened up in your part of the world.

We are counting down... PPF is almost over. Our 11th Birthday will be next week, the 18th - 11 years to the day from when we created PPF in 2011. And then on the 25th we will have an after-party and that's it. Thank you to all our painters and partyers for your wonderful participation and creations over the years!

Long time PPFer, Christine, suggested everyone post a collage of some of your favourite (own) PPF postings/images (or ones you'd been saving to post) next week. Sounds like a great idea to us! A chance to revisit some oldies and goodies, and maybe see some new creations!

Also next week, in addition to your post link, perhaps you could either link to or put in the comments where else you are active... Instagram etc, so we can all keep in touch. Throw it in this week and next if you'd like! Also we'd love to post all the collages at the after-party so if you have your setting set up such that your images cannot be copied, perhaps you can email the collage to us?

EVA can be found here and Kristin is here on Instagram. 

Well, that was a bit wordy, so here is a lovely painting by Margi ( chose #11) of a girl in the Spring rain... Those of us that still have snow are looking forward to that sight!

image courtesy of Margi

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Year 1, Week 1.

Have a fun and creative week!


  1. Lovely work from Margi. That's great see you next week with our collages!

  2. Beautiful work of art from Margi and that's a great idea Christine about the collage. Happy PPF everyone, stay safe x

  3. great idea from all of you. Will be fun searching for oldies :)

  4. Beautiful work! Happy Paint Party Friday and sending you all my positivity and love.

  5. beautiful painting from Margi. Great idea for the final curtain for PPF! I just have to figure out how to create a collage;) You can find me on Instagram - @heartfullyinspiredbylinda . Happy PPF everyone!

  6. Everyone, I have discovered for collages if you want to sign up there, it is on the web or app friendly. Click on create a design and choose a template.

  7. oh no more paint party friday... what a loss! I just found you a year or so ago. I don't do IG so I guess it's goodbye
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  8. Lovely and creative painting, Margi ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Beautiful painting from Margi
    Happy PPF to all

    Much love

  10. Let me share this on your lovely blog, A neighbor of mine developed dementia & diabetes, then her husband died, no children or family nearby. I am thankful our closest neighbor, an African American woman, introduced Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, A traditional herbal doctor in which we purchased a herbal product for her through his Dr Itua online herbs store. A former social worker stepped in and led the way to place the widow in a care facility. We visit nearly every week until she finishes drinking Dr Itua herbal medicines, if possible. The two of us take simple games, puzzles, and matching cards to do with her, staying about 2 hours. Jenga, Trouble, puzzles 100pcs or less, 20 cards to match (total-not 40!). The fishing game where the fish open and shut their mouths as they go around is lots of fun! We sit and chat with her until she gets well again, then we pull out a game and the three of us laugh together as we play. We take a variety of things to do so that we won't get bored. She finished Dr Itua herbal medicines and she's fine now and doing better with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicines, Dr Itua cures different illnesses with his herbal medicines. Anyone having a sick person should reach Dr Itua email Dr Itua Cure Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis, We hug and hold hands a lot. Having two of us go together really helps. But I can go alone, my neighbor cannot, as she saw so much of this during her years as a social worker. I hope this specific list helps others in this situation.
