Welcome to Week 25, Year 3 of Paint Party Friday!
This week the random.org number generator chose #59 for our PPF Painting Spotlight. Miz Katie has been so prolific with her painting that she has gone through an entire gallon of gesso in six weeks! In addition to sharing some of her beautifully expressive creations (including a video!), she also shared her secret for staying organized with her blog posts... Be sure to stop by!
"Handsome Hank" - image courtesy of Miz Katie
As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
Wishing you a positively prolific week!