Friday, August 19, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 23 Check In

Welcome to Week 23 of Paint Party Friday! We were thrilled to see new players arrive at the party last week (Welcome!) and to have all of you continue to paint and participate even during these busy summer months! You are awesome!

Last week's easy, breezy poll was about birds and if there was a favourite, it was hummingbirds and owls but most of us love to see all birds. We also learned about other kinds of birds we don't normally see, Rosie even posted a link in the comments so the non-New Zealanders could hear a tui sing! This week our poll asks about another common yet inspiring aspect of summer... We wonder, what is your favourite flower?

There are many late visitors during the busy summer months and it gets confusing if you link with your blog url instead of your PPF post url as to which post is for PPF. To encourage people to visit your PPF post, please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog address. Thanks! If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

Have a fun time at the party!


  1. oh. okay. i LOVE the art on this post. sweet.


  2. p.s. orchids are my favorites :)

  3. Just opened a new blog for all my watercolor / gouache / ink paintings and illustrations. Hope you like it! :)

  4. I love Sunflowers and Amaryllis and of course carnations. I can hardly wait for summer to be over. I need the feel of cool. Happy Paint Friday to all.

  5. Oh man, there is no way I could ever pick a favorite flower. There's not one I can't think of that I don't like!

  6. OH hey ladies, how do I get my name on the Paint Players list?? :)

  7. I've posted two new paintings before I'm going on holiday. And one of them with flowers too! Happy PPF!

  8. My favourite of all time is the tulip although that's more a spring flower, I think.I also love bluebells and snowdrops - the gorgeous little flowers that just grow as if by magic in the wonderful untouched wooded areas!

  9. Precious pearl, I love the tones that this made ​​the white petals. I also like the background pictures.

  10. Love the sunny flower painting! Here's wishing you all a happy PPF! My fave flower is the rose. Valerie

  11. Oh I love that flower, such a cute little face! Happy PPF :0)

  12. Hi everyone!
    Love Aaaaaall also depends which ones are talking to me at the time ha ha!! I have an immortal love for roses...but I am Sunflower soul..sunflower is my fave!
    I used to eat flowers constantly when i was a little is a wonder I am still alive!!

    Great quetsion! Wishing you all a fab wkd..and I look forward to visiting you all!

    PS; always love all the painting you display for us each week on the poll...beautiful!

  13. Loving your fun daisy for this week.
    I adore all flowers,especially the scented ones.
    Have a great week everyone and will catch up with you all asap. Hugs Annette x

  14. Wildflowers for sure! My morning walk during this vacation week takes me through a field of wildflowers - stunning.

  15. Wildflowers and Sunflower ~ Hope this link works for you this time. namaste, Carol McKenna

  16. I love all summertime flowers, really -roses, sunflowers, wildflowers - Flowers make me happy!
    It's been sooo busy around my house this summer, I am glad to be back at The Party!
    Thanks for having me! I am looking forward to visiting everyone!

  17. Happy PPF everyone. Its been ages since I've joined in (Fridays seem to have been manic). Glad to be here today.

    I voted that I love all flowers. But Lilies are definitely one of my favourites along with the wild flowers that adorn the high Cornish hedges that line the roads here.

    Wishing you all a paint splattered happy creative day!

    Kat :-) Xx

  18. The tulip leaves are starting to show here. Spring is in the way.
    My favourite are the daffodils which meant spring in the UK. So cheerful.

  19. I have to go with wildflowers, so natural and casual. At the same time, weeds drive me crazy, go figure!

  20. Oh I really love the wildflowers around here in the fields and on the hills, especially the daffodils and the bright orange poppies! Jaime, I was wondering how to get on the players list too, and I just realized I've never clicked on the follower thing here! That might do it!Happy PPF everyone!!! Deb

  21. What a cute happy flower!! My favorites are roses and hydrangea! Hard to pick just one! Happy PPF!! :)

  22. I put my painting on my blog before i knew there were flowers in the example. I do a lot of coneflowers because they are easy to do.

  23. Hi everyone! Hope you are having fun at the party! Our focus this poll was Summer Flowers thus our beloved tulips and other bulbs or gorgeous orchids or amaryllis weren't on the poll list. Maybe we should do other polls for Spring flowers and indoor ones?

    @Jaime and @ Geckostone - re the "Players" list - I have now added you both. Kristin or I need to do it manually. Most names went on in the initial few weeks.

    If anyone else would like to be added to the Players list, please email us at paintpartyfriday (at) gmail (dot) com. (You know what I mean - must be cautious of trolls...) We'll also bring this up in next week's post. Thanks for the reminder!!

  24. I love wildflowers! When I think of my native Germany, I immediately remember fields of red poppies and blue cornflowers. It's beautiful on a sunny day as well as in rain.

  25. Thanks once again for hosting this great collection of artistic efforts! There's no way I can pick a favorite flower! Too many beauties for too many reasons.....each season seems to have it's own - tulips, peonies, dahlias, sunflowers, hydrangeas but iris are pretty too (sure can't draw them though!), and don't forget the tropicals like bird of paradise or anthurium or the lesser known lisianthus and crocosmia and astilbe. No, I'm not much of a gardner but was a florist at one time and really learned to LOVE the variety of flowers.....Okay, I'll stop now! :)

  26. I adore this happy daisy piece! I have so many favorite flowers, I guess they are all my favorites. Funny, my painting this week also has flowers in it.

  27. Daisies were my Mom's fave and they remind me of her so that was my most natural and memorable choice! Whew...I made it on FRIDAY! YAY! Although, my post is Partially Painted...wanted to be here on time this week! Thanks for the link up! Happy Friday!

  28. I love the orange tiger lilies that grow so wild-ly everywhere in the rural areas around here. I love when they show up in unexpected places along the woods or an old country road
    KAT Griffin

  29. I LOVE all flowers but the different varieties of cone flowers are my favorite. They just make me Happy! Thanks for hosting this party each week, so fun to see all the creations!

  30. The sunflower is my favorite, hands down. I keep them in my apartment in Hamburg, Germany because they are often the only kind of "sun" we see here!

    Joining the party for the first time today. Looking forward to reading lots of new blogs this weekend! :)

  31. Flowers are how I began my painting!!! I used to garden a lot and loved planting my favorite flowers. Since they were so familiar to me after years of growing them, I decided to paint. First on watering cans, then on furniture, fabric and finally paper! Morning glories and forget-me-nots are my favorites. I do love flowers!!!

  32. I chose all flowers in the poll, but roses are probably my absolute favorite. The more fragrant the better. I'm a big gardener and try to pack in as many flowers as possible wherever there's space. Indoors and out. I love to paint plants and flowers, but haven't been able to paint a rose that I'm happy with. Something to aspire to.

    Happy PPF, everyone!

  33. Not feeling up to PPF this week. Maybe i can play next week.

  34. isn't that just the happiest smily daisy,, Happy paint Party Friday,, and thankyou for giving us this lovely event!

  35. Kat encouraged me to post along to the PPF - will try to post something regularly now.
    My favourite summer flowers are poppies - but really I love all flowers.

  36. I too really love the art this week! My two favorite flowers are Peony, and gladiola! For the most part, ALL flowers make me really happy! Just like the one on this post!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. So glad I stumbled onto this blog! The art is amazing and may-haps it will inspire me to return to my art soon. It's been awhile :( As to what flower is my favorite it would have to be the ones that are currently blooming where ever I am! I love flowers and could probably not choose a favorite out of all the choices there are.

  38. love your flower, and the poll is great as I painted sunflowers this week!!

  39. It was a tossup between hydrangeas and lilies for me. Or maybe I should have said I love them all!

    I left my link, I hope I'm not too late. It is just barely still Friday here.

  40. This sounds like a really nice project. Now I just need to decide what is my favorite flower.
    Take care
    and greetings from Finland

  41. I wish everyone sunshine and flowers and time to paint :)

  42. hello everybody ı dont know where to put respond to all these comments under my sketches picture in my blog (ıf ı put there ı dont know if others can see it) thank you for the comments ı need to do more action and moving expressions... and if anybody knows how to let other people now ı respond the comments please tell me. becuse ıf ı write somethıng under my picture ıt comes to my mail as a "yagmur gunel new comment on sketches1" thank you guys see you later
