Friday, December 20, 2013

Paint Party Friday: A Tea Party For Tracey!

(created at

Welcome to Week 41, Year 3 of Paint Party Friday!  This week we're celebrating the holidays PPF style.  Every week PPFers gather to share, support, and encourage each other.  As a result, Paint Party Friday has become a very close knit community...

As you probably know, our friend Tracey Fletcher King is courageously fighting breast cancer.  Tracey has been such an active and encouraging member of PPF, we thought it would be fun to surprise her with some holiday cheer and support.  And, when you think of Tracey, it's hard not to think of tea!  So...

What better way to send her some love than to have a virtual tea party?!?

Dear Tracey,

We love your spirit, your talent, your humor, and your kindness.
Every week you inspire us with your extraordinary creativity and strength.
Thank you for being such an amazing and supportive part of this community.
This week is dedicated to you!

With love,
Your PPF Family

From left to right...

From left to right...
4th row: JKW, EVA

From left to right...
Bottom: giggles, Ilona

If you've created a piece for Tracey don't forget to sign in with 
"FOR TRACEY" in addition to your name.

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
Happy Holidays to all our wonderful friends and to your families!

P.S.  If you missed the secret announcement and would like to participate, please feel free to post twice and also email us the image so we can add it to a collage (to be added here) later in the weekend/week!


  1. this is so sweet of you to do for her...she is one amazing lady....

  2. I want to make something too..I will work on something this weekend!!!!

  3. Oops, forgot the (for Tracey) part, but mine is totally for Tracey! What a woman and what a hoot she is!

  4. Way to go Tracey! Happy tea day to you. Always wishing you the best and thanking you for your beautiful contributions that have made my heart sing. I love your cups and your work. ::sending you the best::
    Thanks Eva and Kristin for hosting as always and also for always thinking about everyone the way you do. Happy Holidays to all.

  5. I forgot the for Tracey part and reposted but auto correct seems determined to make me spell things wrong!! This isa great idea and it's lovely to see all the different ideas folk had for a tea themed illustration. Here's to Tracey!

  6. Awe Tracey! Hugs to you and to all the awesome PPF peeps. WOW, how awesome are you guys. I've missed this site. Hopefully I get to play here again. Thanks Eva and Kristin for hosting. LOVE YA!!

  7. Wow what a fantastic showing! Here's to Tracey!

  8. I did not know about Tracey, she has such great spirit. Sending the best for her.

    Thank you Eva and Kristin for another wonderful Paint Party Friday!

    Nora Clemens-Gallo

  9. Love this tribute to Tracey ! Sorry I didn't realize when I was supposed to send mine in, but it's on my blog in a seperate post for Tracey! Happy to be a part of this and paint party Friday each week! Multitude of thanks for both! Happy holidays everyone!

  10. This is so sweet. I didn't see the announcement. So sorry I didn't participate. I'm sending much love, and healing vibes to Tracey. She is such an amazing person. Love reading her funny blog. xox

  11. I've been away from blogging for a long time and didn't know about Tracy. Sending her the best!!
    Happy holidays!!

  12. Great idea with the party, have fun everyone, and all the best for Tracy. Valerie

  13. Ohhhh how wonderful!!! I sent her a special print last week. I am sending all the love and light that I can get! She makes me laugh every week. I admire her courage and that she can look at it with such a great sense of humor.

  14. I have sat here for twenty bloody minutes crying like a mad woman at the wonderfulness that is this community... you have no idea how much this means and how you all get me through this... I can never thank any of you adequately... there are no adequate words... seriously... you are amazing... thank you all so much... now I am crying again... I have to stop crying soon right??? xx

    1. It's good to release tears Tracey. We feel better once we cry it out. It's okay.:()

    2. It's nice to hear how we've touched your heart! Sending more heart filled hugs!!!

  15. its beautiful just as Tracey is,

  16. Now I'm crying too, but smiling as well :-)
    Thank you for this community!
    Happy PPF and all the best for all of you!

  17. This is a wonderful idea and I love the and I love the strength and commitment to Tracey. The very best wishes for you, dear Tracey. Love and light to you!

  18. I cannot think of any better way to celebrate our dear friend Tracey. The collages look fab. Happy Christmas everyone, hugs Annette x

  19. somehow I didn't get it right but my post is for Tracey!!!! What a wonderful to celebrate a wonderful lady!
    cheers, dana

  20. What a great idea. I will be having my cup of tea with you Tracey as I look at all of the beautiful art created just for you. Here's a toast to you!
    Wishing you all of the very best.

  21. I thank Tracey for the brave soul that she is. My heartfelt prayers and love go with her as she is the most courageous person I know. Her sharing with us has been amazing to me. She deserves to be celebrated. Many Blessings Tracey. Janet

  22. I am so thrilled to be part of this little tea party for Tracey. You will our Fridays with joy and light Tracey, you are a trooper and have amazing strength and humour faced with such adversity. Wishing you lots of warmth and happiness and GOOD health in 2014 dear heart.
    Wishing Eva and Kristin and everyone a very happy Xmas and healthy happy 2014 too.

  23. Thanks so much for planning the surprise party. This is soooo fun.

  24. Oh wow! How lovely! Tracey is truly loveable so no wonder she had a party just for her!! So glad to see this today! :0)

  25. Awesome party EVA and Kristin-love the collages! Love and hugs to all, especially to Tracey :)

  26. So thoughtful and kind all the artworks that were created for Tracey! You are all amazing ♥ ♥ ♥

  27. I love this tea party for Tracey, cheers to you all! xx

  28. Wow! What a sweet gesture - this is wonderful. Cheers Tracey! & hugs too :)
    (I 'met' her at a different online place and I'm glad I did.)

  29. I knew we'd make Tracey cry. But her eyes will be so happy today from all the beautiful art she sees. What a wonderful group. Love ya'll!

  30. Eva and Kirstin thanks for giving us the oportunity to celebrate a wonderful woman.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hi Kirstin and Eva, So nice to meet you and this wonderful party. I am visiting from Valerie of Bastelmania and so enjoyed my visit. I love to play in paint too and love what I see here with such talented bloggers. What a wonderful party to honor such a courageous lady.
    Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie Design

  33. I send my best wishes to Tracey! Thank you for a good idea Eva and Kirstin!

  34. feel better tracey!!!!!! thank you for letting me be a part of paint party friday!

  35. Tracey you are truly loved as I can see through the wonderful friends you have and how they care so much for you and I wish you all the best. Take care. HUGS B

  36. HUGS and wishes for HOPE and renewal to Tracey; Happy Holidays,
    thanks for being a part of PPF celebrationb

    much love...

  37. a beautiful collaboration in honor of a beautiful person!! xo

  38. how awesome and I love Tracy's art, so unique you can't miss it. Sending prayers of health and healing.
    peace n abundance,

  39. Oh this is amazing! You ladies are all just incredible. What love you have all shown Tracey. xxx

  40. I missed the announcement, but am sending lots of love and hugs to you Tracey. xo

  41. Michelle V. Alkerton, mixed media artistDecember 20, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    Think of you often Tracey and sending huge (((((hugs))))).
    Stay inspired!

  42. What a great idea! Big hugs to Tracey, as an artist and as a person she is such a shining beacon.

  43. Oh this is what the true spirit of the season is about! I love it so much and can't thank you enough for hosting!! I'm crying too about Traceys reaction!! Thrilled to be a part of this!!

    Hugs Giggles

  44. I raise my cup of tea to Tracey...she is a wonderful person.. big hugs xx

  45. Somehow my comment got chopped up so I am trying once more. Eva and Kristin, you pulled it off! This tribute party for Tracey is such a wonderful idea. Tracey is an inspiration to all of us. She is such a compassionate person that she is reaching out to others in PPF Blogland who are in the midst of trying situations. I love her humorous side and I love her caring side.

  46. A toast to Tracey, whose been an inspiration both artistically and spiritually to many people around the world!

  47. This is so incredibly awesome. This community is amazing. I've been away from here for a little while and missing all of you - and with this tribute to Tracey - I totally understand why I love you all so much - coming together in art. Tracey is an inspiration to us all. Thanks to Eva and Kristin for putting this together.

  48. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to comment on my blog. I tried to answer everyone. This is an amazing community and I'm so happy to be part of it.

  49. OOoh what a wonderful tae cups works for you tracy, iam looved all, and send you big hugs tracy,this its a beautifully idea a tea cup party arround the world,wish you all happy with the tea cup party.

  50. I was not ready with my blog last week, so sorry to hear about Tracy, I hope she gets well soon, Ill send her my love.

  51. Run 3
    Wonderful! tae cups works for you tracy.
    This is an amazing community and I'm so happy to be part of it.
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  53. I miss Tracey, she was so kind and an amazing friend. When I was going through chemo she messaged me and gave me encouragement. I miss her. RIP. This post brings me to tears. So much love for Tracey. She will always be remembered.
