Friday, February 1, 2019

Paint Party Friday: Week48, Year 8 Check-in

 Welcome to Week 48 of Year 8 here at Paint Party Friday!

This week chose #5 - June Walker. June shows her work through to this lovely finished painting on her blog. She really makes you think you are visiting a market place on a tropical island! Watch out for that monkey! 😉  Please drop by and check out her steps.

The Market Place image courtesy of June Walker

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.

Have a fun and colourful paint-filled week!


  1. Beautiful painting. Happy PPF everyone! Looking forward to visiting you tomorrow morning.


  2. Congrats June, I loved your vibrant market place!!
    Happy PPF to all Tracey x

  3. June is a fantastic artist. Happy PPF to all, Valerie

  4. Happy PPF everyone! I started the drawing year a bit later, but now I'm back again. :)

  5. Many thanks for the show by the random generator! Happy PPF all.

  6. Luv all those green tones in 'The Market Place'
    A happy PPF to everyone

    much love...

  7. Absolutely beautiful work, congrats June!
    Happy PPF to all

  8. Fantastic artwork. Happy PPF. Blessings, Janet

  9. What a lovely painting you have featured here today! I love the colors--it is exquisite. <3

  10. I like how June has used a gelli print for the background.

  11. Fantastic and beautiful art June!
    Happy PPF🎨

  12. Beautiful detailed work as always June!
    Happy PPF everyone :D)

  13. Thank you so much for your tireless hosting. I swear every time I post I tell myself I will blog weekly with PPF but then sometimes a year goes by. But you're always here when I get back! Also wow, amazing June Walker painting!

  14. I totally agree that seeing June's painting transports you to a foreign destination! Lovely work! Happy PPF!

  15. Looks like a very lovely market place. It is definitely incredible.
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