
Friday, July 29, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 20 Check-In

Welcome to Week 20 (!!!) of Paint Party Friday.  As the summer rolls on we continue to take it easy, but we are still making time for painting. We are thrilled that you are too!

Last week we savored the flavors of summer by asking about your favorite warm weather eats.  It seems that most of us enjoy the freshness the season has to offer, and lots of us love to grill!  This week, we're wondering what sorts of beverages accompany your yummy summer fare?  We want to know - How do you quench your summertime thirst?

Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

Help yourself to a margarita, enjoy the wonderful paintings of this week's players and have fun at the party!


  1. Thank you so much for the yummy drink!!! we have a long weekend here so this will have to be on the menu!!!! Along with Fresita...and Sangria!!! yummy!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

  2. this is a fun summer drink painting! Ummm, it has been so long since I have had one.
    When it is hot I love champagne.

  3. Lovely painting, but it's sweet iced tea for me.

  4. OHHHH, I'm Thristy!!!!!
    Tammie I love bubbly too ;) Cheers Dianna! & Thx for having me back Eva & Kristin - ready to party :)

  5. Yum Iced tea, whoops I better get out of here before I drink too much!!

  6. Loving this painting it's 'Lush'!!!! It's so hard to think about cool summer drinks when I'm scraping ice off my car every morning over here, but with your painting I can almost most taste it heheheh

  7. Water, iced water and of course pomegrante iced tea. Very satisfactory. I love the painting of the margarita. It looks good enough to drink. In fact I don't mind one during the summer. Happy PPF!

  8. The painting is gorgeous and makes me wish we had the weather to go with it!! (It's raining here today - no surprise there!) My favourite summer drink is a rose wine and lemonade spritzer - reminds me of summer days when I lived in Portugal - bliss!

  9. Winter or summer it has to be coffee! Iced if it's hot, but the main thing is coffee! Here is so cold we still need hot drinks! I love your painting, kristin, reminds me of summer!

  10. Ohhh that drink makes me want to pop a squat at an outdoor cafe with good friends, good conversation and loads of people watching! It's Mojitos for this gal...I discovered them one some on Scotland -quite random but wonderful. Well, truth be told...any one of those would do on any day ...a different one to fit my many moods!! Cheers!

  11. Ahh if I could just grab that glass right now!! Love the salt on it :)
    Favorite summer drink would be an ice cold mocha frappe :)

  12. I like pina coladas....

    and walks in the rain.

  13. Lemonade or iced tea is my 'treat' drink but when it comes down to basics water wins!!

  14. Love the margarita painting! Just the way I like them too. Happy PPF all:)

  15. Smoothies with any fresh fruit!!!! Yum! Deb

  16. Thanks for hosting ~ Have your button on my blogs and have posted a link in the Paint Party Friday ~ and hope that all works for you ~ thanks again ~ namaste, Carol McKenna ~ and

  17. Lovely, refreshing Margarita ~ thanks again for Hosting ~ all the info about your blog is on my blogs ~ hope all that works for you ~ enjoy the day ^_^


    Hi - I'd really love to see you linked up at the weekend creation blog hop. We also have a comp for a book and a guest post from its author.

    Shah X

  19. Hi Everyone Happy PPF..

  20. you read my mind...I voted for the ever tasty and tangy Margatita.

  21. The painting is very inviting. I will stick with my iced coffee or I love Iced tea just plain no sweetner, unless it is a fruity iced tea then just the sweetness of the fruit.

  22. My 2 drinks of choice are Diet Pepsi or if I'm wanting something with alcohol then I choose Long Island Ice Tea. Tastes like tea with a splash of lemon, but packs a punch! Bring on summer!

  23. I love this painting! It really looks like the real thing! Yum

  24. @Phoenix Peacock - You are too funny! Now I have that song stuck in my mind!

  25. thats a pretty Margarita,,mine,, lemon drinks thankyou!!Happy Paint Party friday!!!

  26. Hi all,

    Just got off the never ending roll-coaster ride and happy to be back!

    A Corona with lemon and lime does the trick but essentially water for the most part of the day. Adore the picture of the Margarita....reminds me Midnight Margaritas....."Practical Magic" :)

    Last time I participated in PPF was week 12 ....I submitted "A Patch of Blue". It's been finished for two months but life interrupted my art work shop....I'm afraid we are moving and I'm not too happy were we will be moving to ..... :( !
    Oh well, I will try very hard to keep positive and during the course of our stay there I will keep busy with my variety of arts.

    Hugs, Annabelle

  27. Hi everyone~ I've been AWOL for a bit as summer has been taking over my time. I created a little video for you in celebration of the season. :-)

  28. I had so much fun painting this one :

  29. At over 100 degrees around these parts...nothing will quench a thirst. Love those margarits though even though I have no tolerance for alchohol and I am tipsty after a few sips!

  30. I love water and lemonade, that was a tough choice for me.
    Don't drink alcohol so most of that stuff is not very appealing. HAPPY HAPPY Friday!!!

  31. On the rocks with salt!!!
    I confess to buying a bottle of "Skinny Girl" margaritas!
    Not bad!
    The only problem I have is that the 1st 1 is so good I always go for 2!!!

  32. I'm with Peggy above, one more margarita on the rocks, but no salt! Can't beat that on a hot and humid evening.

  33. I have been painting backgrounds in an art journal. Nothing special. It's so darn hot here I just don't feel very inspired.
    I think I'll have another margarita.
    mmmmmmm...thank you.

  34. Margarita's rock, but do love my Diet Coke over ice as well! Just finished up a little Summer Sunshine for this week's PPF...sorry I'm a day late to the party, but will be sure to make my rounds before the weekend ends! Thx for the awesome link up! POP ART MINIS

  35. i haven't posted for a few weeks, and this time it is a bit of a work in progress has a paint-stamped background...i have been enjoying every one else's work though! Happy PPF!

  36. Water to drink, to swim in, to water the garden with....and water to paint with watercolors :)

  37. Water is always the best and after that a Cranberry Spritzer made with diet cranberry juice and diet tonic. Yummy.



  38. I can no longer drink...since I have a medical condition...but I was never a big alcohol drinker to begin with...I drink decaf iced tea, water, and lemonade mostly...happy PPF!
