
Friday, July 22, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 19 Check-In

Welcome to Paint Party Friday (Week 19)!  We are so happy to see how many of you are continuing to paint even with summertime distractions and vacations.  Speaking of vacations, last week we enjoyed learning about how you like to spend your holidays!  There are many different ways we have fun, but it seems that most of us agree - we could definitely use more free time!

For our "easy breezy" summer poll think week, we're wondering:  What is your favorite summertime food?

Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

Hope you are enjoying the heat. Have fun at Paint Party Friday! (We have an easy breeze and/or air conditioning here!)


  1. thank goodness for me my husband loves to cook!!! He grills veggies and fries and meat and fish ! The weekends he does the shopping and the cooking, but he loves it!!!
    Lucky me!
    I do a wonderful taco salad that is a favorite and a "mean" caesar salad!!! let me know if you want my secret recipe!!!

  2. Taste of Chicago, hands down, best food festival in the US. I am welling up just thinking about it.

  3. it's too hot here for things to really grow in my garden :(
    We don't really get a crop until fall - i'm jealous of everyone's summer gardens :)

  4. My entry this week wasn't strictly just painting. Actually it was mostly drawing with some paint added for color.... I'll try and actually paint something this week though, promise!

  5. Happy Paint Party Friday to all. Tomatoes, cucumbers on grilled bread. Awesome, just awesome. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and the pears up there look good enough to eat.:))

  6. Happy Friday! For me I love all the fresh fruit expecially strawberries and melons. Melons of any kind are fabulous. Of course it is hard to be barbeque ribs with grilled pineapple.

  7. Hi you all, happy PPF. Summer food is great, love BBQ food, salads, ice, melons, juicy fruits - I think I need some breakfast before I write any more!

  8. I really missed PPF last week while we were on vacation! Am glad to be back and part of the community again this week. My favourite summer foods are rocket salads with grilled halloumi or feta cheese. Since turning vegetarian in January the BBQ doesn't really appeal any more!

  9. awwww! I miss you guys! I've got my head spinning with all the garden duties and when the corn is in you drop everything... same with beans.

    I look forward to joining in again very soon!

    Jaime a.k.a. tomato lover

  10. Those pears are great.
    They are such a lovely form to paint. x Julie

  11. Am loving those pears as well. Happy PPF. Annette x

  12. It is a pleasure to visit all the great artists who pass through here in my country now so hot that we almost laimentamos cold drinks and vegetables .... Greetings

  13. Pears are wonderful! Thanks for hosting this ~ You are a catalyst for me. Do hope you come visit ~ Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor ~ thanks and namaste, Carol

  14. Back again ~ As I said the pears are very well done ~ Thanks for hosting ~Do hope you come visit ~ Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor ~ thanks and namaste, Caro

  15. My pears never look like that...I shall study your painting. Off to work but will stop by all the parties throughout the weekend!
    cheers, dana

  16. Can you say, BARBECUE!!!!! I love pairs too, the painting is beautiful!!!

  17. Happy PPF! Great textureY pears today and yummy summer foods to all:)

  18. I don't have one fav summer food I love them all!I guess the berries fresh local, berries are the best!Happy Paint Party Friday and those pears are truly beautiful

  19. Had a wicked storm yesterday here in TN. with no power all day so my offering this week is my first real painting ever!!! Didn't want to miss PPF two weeks in a row!!

  20. I'm still on my diet and have now lost a total of 15 lbs. This poll would have to be about food wouldn't it?!!! Thank you kristen and Eva for all your hard work putting this party together...on my way to view all the fantastic art! :-)

  21. I love a cold salad...any kind with tuna or chicken in the center, with a peanut butter shake (extra crunchy) for dessert. It's the perfect summertime lunch for me!

    Happy PPF!! :)

  22. Happy PPF!! Love these pears! My fav summertime food is watermelon! Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

  23. Hi Everyone!

    I felt adrift last week by not checking in! As far as food goes I confess I love pretty much all food. Except mebbe Haggis. This summer I have barely lifted a finger ( and my son is beginning to feel abandoned ) but for some reason I can't get enough SPICY food. The hotter the better. And cooked by someone else.


  24. Stuck on salads and summertime sunshine! Looking forward to popping by everyone's blogs to see what creative summer fun you've been up too! Have a great weekend!

  25. I love anything from the garden. And I love those pears!

  26. it's so cold on the west coast it's not even funny. I'm in California for the weekend and today it's supposed to get to 68 degrees.

    Kristin and Eva, would you consider changing this so that people with their own url's can sign here with them? This thing asks me for my google account OR my wordpress account. or... but not name/url which would let me put in my blog address, Curiously, today I can't see your linky thing, maybe it's because I'm using my travel computer which has a linux system.. so today I am NOT in your line up. but that link is here:

  27. Love. Love, LOVE the pears in this painting ! I wish I could do something like that.
    I love fruit, all kinds of fruits and fresh garden veges especially tomatoes
    KAT Griffin

  28. @mimitabby - I entered your link for you. I'll look and see what I can do to change that - but I'm not a techie so please be patient with me while I try and learn how!

    Hope you get some sun and heat soon!

  29. Ooooh - this party is really hopping! Hooray for all of the deliciousness!!! This week's post is making me hungry!

    Thank you for all of your kind comments about my pears :)

    Time to party!!! Wheeee!!

  30. What a great site! Glad I can join the party....:)

  31. Happy PPF everyone...great to see you all this blog!

  32. Happy Paint Party Friday!! Looking forward to visiting everyone over the weekend :)

    Summer = Fresh food from the garden/farm


    I'm a day late this week...sharing a labor of love...a portrait of my niece and her kitten, Kathryn:

  34. Summer food, bbq zucchini! Lot's and lots of bbq zucchini....

  35. I will take those pears....but I am a salad girl all year round..........happy PPF!!!
