
Friday, November 24, 2017

Paint Party Friday: Week 38, Year 7 Check-in

Welcome to Week 38 of Year 7 here at Paint Party Friday!

This week our random number generator chose #32 - Lee who is pondering this "burning question"... When is the best time is to put up her Christmas tree... and she is wondering when do you put up yours? And take it down? If you do decorate, please let her know in her comments or here if you prefer!

For EVA, her massive nutcracker collection slowly starts its exodus march from storage on U.S. Thanksgiving - 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 etc until the final big boxes come out and the tree goes up on the weekend or two before Xmas. It comes down before January 6th. For Kristin (a self proclaimed procrastinator), the tree always makes it up before Christmas (but usually later than she'd like) and is taken down around January 6th.  This year, Kristin has made a promise to herself that all of the decorating will be done on the day after Thanksgiving!

image courtesy of Lee

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Lovely Christmas trees! Will start decorating on Dec. 1.

  2. Fantastic Trees. We did this day before Thanksgiving this year. Blessings, Janet

  3. Cute art from Lee! I start Dec 1 and tree is down Jan 2'ish

  4. Luv todays feature all those beautiful Pine/Christmas trees

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  5. wonderful image, from lee!
    Happy PPF all

  6. such a pretty Christmas tree scene. Happy PPF everyone!

  7. such a beautiful tree Lee ! My aunt collects nut crackers and I have always looked forward to their appearance at Christmas ,, I hope Kristin manages to get that tree up today but if not, tomorrow is another day lol,, thank you for hosting again!

  8. Beautiful art Lee, congrats!
    Happy PPF everyone

  9. What a beautiful painting! I'm not really sure when the tree goes up, I think it varies from year to year...

  10. It varies every year... in South Africa it went up Dec. 24. In America closer to Dec. 4. But I would like a whole tree farm like in Lee’s picture😉.

  11. Hi dear Lee, I can regognize your artwork only by seeing! Love your winteryscene! Makes me feel cozy inside here with a hot tee, haha! Happy PPF!

  12. thank you everyone who liked my trees, how wonderful the random generator picked me this time

  13. I adore this painting! How perfectly lovely. Something about it made me smile. :D thank you for hosting each week. It gets me out of my shell and inspires me to draw. ((HUGS))

  14. Very sweet Christmas scene!
    Belated Thanksgiving blessings to all!
