
Friday, May 26, 2017

Paint Party Friday: Week 12, Year 7 Check In

Welcome to Week 12, Year 7 of Paint Party Friday!

This week the number generator chose #27: Andrea @fallingladies.  Last week, Andrea shared an adorable sheet of painted bugs!  In addition to her beautiful painting, she also shared her thoughts on the fickle nature of Instagram.  I'm sure it's a subject many of us can relate to... Be sure to stop by her blog to read what she had to say.

image courtesy of Andrea @fallingladies

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend to our U.S. Partyers!


  1. Happy PPF I just love these lovely bugs.

  2. Nice work from Andrea, happy PPF to all, hugs, Valerie

  3. Congrats Andrea. Happy PPF. Blessings, Janet

  4. Happy to be participating in yet another week of PPF! Thank you for making this spot possible for sharing our art. And Congratulations Andrea for being the featured artist this week. Your bugs are delightful.

  5. Congratulations, Andrea....lovely work!

  6. Andrea, love the bug sheet. Sure took a lot of patience. What, no centipedes?

  7. Colorful, fun page of bugs! Happy PPF everyone!

  8. Always a "thank you" for hosting us each week. And this week's featured artist confirms that there is inspiration everywhere!

  9. Hi everyone. I love Andrea's work! It looks very zen.

  10. Adorable bugs and beetles! My father-in love was an entomologist, and I got to draw a few along the way!

  11. What adorable little bugs, there are so many of them! Happy PPF...

  12. The variety of shapes and colours, in Andrea's painting -just incredible

    A Happy PPF to everyone

    much love...

  13. So nice to Andrea featured... I just adore her work! So happy she kept blogging...there was a moment in time I worried she might not!! Thanks for hosting ladies!!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. Hello, Andrea's bugs certainly are beautiful and it's really lovely that they're featured.
    Happy PPF to everyone, sorry for my lateness :D)

  15. Andrea's work is so lovely!

    Happy PPF everyone!

  16. I always enjoy seeing the featured artist's works. Thanks for your hosting PPF each week.

  17. How wonderful. I love seeing your featured artist's work! So inspiring.

  18. Oh my gosh, I haven't made it by last week and totally missed that I was featured! Eek! Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and thanks to our dedicated hosts!!!!
