
Friday, January 18, 2013

Paint Party Friday: Week 45, Year 2 Check In

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Welcome to Week 45 (Year 2)!  In Week 41, we put forward the idea about holding an auction to benefit The Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT - in memory of the children and teachers who were killed in December.  Many of you seemed very interested, and we have since brainstormed to come up with the best possible way to do it...  

If you are interested in participating, here is how the PPF Auction Blog Hop to Benefit The Sandy Hook Elementary School will work:

*Please be sure to read ALL of the information listed below, and then feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, and ask any questions you may have.

1. Each auction participant will create a painting (or choose something that they've already painted) to be auctioned off on Friday, March 15th, 2013. (8 weeks from today.) This is PPF's second birthday and the start of our Year 3. This community (you!) are so wonderful and supportive, that we feel the best way to celebrate our "birthday" would be share some of the awesome creativity and generous spirit here with a community that is still in need.

2. Each auction participant will create an auction post on their own blog where they will showcase and describe the painting, tell whether or not international bids will be accepted, and possibly set a minimum bid.  (Shipping should be free to the winning bidder and paid for by each individual auction participant.)

3. A week before the auction, each participant will email a photo of the piece they will be auctioning along with the website link where they will be auctioning it. (Photos and web addresses should be emailed to paintpartyfriday (at) gmail (dot) com no later than Friday, March 8th, 2013.)

4. The day of the auction, the Paint Party Friday blog will post images of all the paintings that are part of the auction with a link to the participant's website underneath.

In addition, each auction participant should use Mister Linky to link directly to their auction post. Auction participants should put in their name with the words "AUCTION PIECE" in all capital letters.  (See the example below.) (Non-auction PPF entries are also welcome to link as usual - obviously without the added words on Mr. Linky...)

5. All participants will accept bids on their own blogs in the comments section.

6. All participants will be responsible for writing their own auction post, accepting bids, contacting the winning bidder, making sure a donation has been made (see #7), and shipping their own paintings to the winning bidder.

7. Payment will be sent directly from the winning bidder to a Newtown, CT charity.  (Please see below for links to Sandy Hook charities.)  *Once proof of donation in the amount of the winning bid is given to the auction participant (in the form of a receipt/email receipt), then the auction participant will be responsible for mailing out the painting to the winning bidder.

8. You don't have to have an auction entry to buy a painting (or make a contribution). So please tell all your friends about it!

  ***IMPORTANT*** : 
Although Paint Party Friday will post images and links on the day of the auction, the Paint Party Friday blog will not be accepting bids, collecting or sending money, contacting winning bidders, or shipping any paintings. Each participant will be responsible for their own individual auction.*

Paint Party Friday has become such a wonderful community and we're hoping that the PPF Auction Blog Hop To Benefit Sandy Hook Elementary School will be a fun and exciting way to purchase some great art while supporting a worthy cause.

Sandy Hook Elementary Charity Websites:

Now, on to the check-in!

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 Check-Ins.

* This may be a good time to ensure you are not a "no-reply" blogger and change your status so you can easily be contacted directly by email. Jenn of "Just Add Water Silly" has a good explanation of how to do this.
P.S. Kristin wrote a lovely post with a wonderful idea "Kindness Gone Viral" but never linked to it here. Please check it out! (EVA)
Have a creative week everyone!


  1. Happy Paint Friday to all. It's a wonderful idea for the auction.

  2. So they winner of an auction will do the donation part and send a receipt to the artist she bought from, and then the artist will ship the painting? Okay Sounds like a winner! Have a great week!

  3. Linking up again this week - thanks so much for hosting :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  4. Happy Paint Party Friday!!
    Thanks so much again for hosting, Kristin and Eva!

  5. Happy PPF. Every week this site (thank you Kristin and Eva) super charges me to keep painting. Blessings, Janet

  6. This is one amazing community of artists! Thank you Eva and Kristin for making it happen!

  7. you have come up with a great plan for the auction!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. LOVE the Auction plan ... very brilliant and heartfelt around the world! I'm in! Thank you Kristin and Eva! ❤

  10. what a great idea-will have to get on it to donate something!

  11. Happy Paint Party Friday everyone!

  12. Hello to all, happy to make it here again!

  13. I missed the party last week but glad to be here today! What a great idea for the auction! Thanks Eva and Kristin! You guys rock!

    Happy PPF!


  14. Came back to say a couple of these entries have malaware problems, so pleased my computer picked it up.

  15. So good to be painting again - love your auction idea.

  16. Yes, Netty, my computer picked up some malaware problems on some entries above, too. :(

  17. Thanks Netty, Mary.

    Let me know who has a challenge and I will try to contact via email. They likely don't even know.

  18. Hi there, glad to be back for another week. Thanks again for hosting. I love looking at what everyone has done

  19. I'm in on the Auction for sure! Great idea on how to do it. Thanks Kristin and Eva for putting this together.

  20. I'm late this week, saying Hi to Eva and Kristin and to everyone else out there. Auction is a great idea. You girls rock!

  21. sounds awesome I don't have time to read it all this morning - have to get to work. will check it out tomorrow and Joss is right - you girls rock!
    cheers, dana

  22. Auction sounds like a great idea, Happy PPF :)

  23. just linked up to y'all! and this really sounds like a wonderful idea! i hope to be able to participate. :)
