
Friday, August 31, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Week 25, Year 2 Check In Featured Artist: Petrea Hansen-Adamidis

image courtesy of Petrea Hansen Adamidis

Welcome to Week 25 of Paint Party Friday (Year 2) and to the next edition of our Featured Artist Series! (Would you like to be a PPF Featured Artist? Please click here for details!) This week's featured artist listens to her inner muse and invites us to do the same as she shares her inspiring intuitive paintings each week. Please welcome Petrea Hansen Adamidis!

1. Please tell us a bit about your personal history with painting. (When did you start painting? How has your painting evolved since you first started?) I started painting off and on about 25 years ago. My older sister was a clothing designer and I would join her at her craft shows with my decorative painted pots and boxes. I liked playing with textures and at the time painting marbling effect on walls and other surfaces was quite popular. 

However it wasn’t until I was doing my training as an Art Therapist in 1993- 94 that I began exploring a more intuitive approach to painting. Expressing in my pictures the inner landscapes of my being. (Here is one of my first Intuitive paintings:)

From The Shadows Comes Beauty, Mixed media: chalk pastel, oil pastel, Guache 1994
image courtesy of Petrea Hansen Adamidis   
2. What are your favorite techniques, media, and tools to use in creating your paintings? Recently I have started to do art journaling which I quite enjoy, though because the paper is so much smaller, I paint very differently, a little more planned than usual. Sometimes I will use different objects as stencils (punchinella) or stamps, collage to give texture to the background. I also use mixed media. I love layering paint and taking away paint , or going over it with a wash so under layers show through.

Art Journaling, spontaneous, Acrylic 2012
image courtesy of Petrea Hansen Adamidis   

Art Journaling, response to Shamanic journeying guided meditation, 2012. Acrylic,
punchinella stencils for background
image courtesy of Petrea Hansen Adamidis   
I will say though that my most favorite way of painting is on large paper, using acrylics. Sometimes I will get in there with my fingers to blend or add texture. When I paint this way I generally don’t have in mind what I am going to paint. It is very spontaneous. I find that when I am able to stay true to this process and spontaneity there is vibrancy, which comes through in the finished painting that is quite fulfilling.

3. What is your favorite thing to paint? Why? Although I don’t plan what I am going to paint, my paintings tend to be very nature focused with animals or creatures and organic growth swirled in there. Sometimes I will get an idea of something I want to paint, but often it morphs into something else. I generally love painting with bright colours.

4. What is your proudest painting moment and/or greatest painting achievement so far? I try not to compare my paintings to each other as I know that for me each one has it’s own significance and place in my life. That being said, the paintings I like the most tend to be the ones I was able to let myself go in, letting the paint brush lead me rather than me paint something preplanned. This owl "came out of nowhere" and I was really pleased with it when I was done because it felt very organic to me. The painting seemed to be a turning point for me in terms of really letting go. I felt like the owl had an important message to tell me.

Liquid Guache/tempera paint on paper 2012
image courtesy of Petrea Hansen Adamidis
5. What's next in your painting future? After years of being on “Sabbatical” (I was busy with my kids and my clinical Art Therapy Work) I have finally come back to running my Art Therapy workshops, and have created a new one on Intuitive Process Painting called “Painting With Your Muse”. I held the first workshop in early August here in Toronto after running an e-course version online first! I am thrilled that I will be holding another “live” Painting With Your Muse workshop on October 20th in Toronto. As well on September 22 the 2nd round of Painting With Your Muse online will run for 5 weeks.   

Here’s some other places you can find me:
You Tube:

Thank you for sharing your inspiring story with us, Petrea - We look forward to seeing a lot more from your inner muse!



**Would you like to be a PPF Featured Artist? Click here for details!**
Wow! Another beautifully creative and hopping party! Now, here is our check-in for this week's party:

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 Check-Ins.

Hope you have a great week and if you are in North America a wonderful long Labour Day Weekend!


  1. Great interview, Petrea!
    Love the spontaneity of your art work!

  2. So sorry I didn't get around to many of you. . .an unexpected visitor took up too much of my time. . . . Isaac. For once we didn't lose power, but I did lose cable. Many Blessings and thank you all for the visits and the wonderful words that encourage me to widen my 'creative art' horizons (and the remarkable how to's). Janet

  3. Love that liquid gauche and tempura paint used. Your journal book is awesome and very colorful Petrea. Congrats on the interview. Thanks Eva and Kristin as always. Happy Paint Friday to all and have a great weekend.

  4. I would love to know more of the inner stories, but I imagine they are quite personal. What a wonderful way to express your SELF. The one with the girl and wolf (?) in the tunnel intriques me. Thank you for sharing so much of your work and journey.

  5. I love hearing about art therapy. It's always that for me and I find it fascinating how it helps. Wonderful interview!

  6. Happy PPF Great interview...I look forward to looking around more after the weekend ! Take care this holiday weekend everyone

  7. Happy PPF everyone! Yay, it's Friday again and more Celtic art can be seen on my blog.

  8. Love Petrea's colourful work! Have a great day you all!! Valerie

  9. Very colorful. I like the owl octopus combo.

  10. Great interview, I am only just beginning to appreciate the therapy side of creating, so was very interested

  11. Very interesting interview Petrea! I'm going to check out your videos and links!

  12. Thank you Kristin et Eva to discover new talented artists every week ;)

  13. My first ppf! great interview with Petrea - would be interesting to take her on-line workshop i think. I need to find my "inner art muse" if i have one - somewhere . . .

  14. Love Petrea's style. So colorful!
    Happy PPF!

  15. Many thanks Kristin and Eva for hosting such a brilliant site and introducing so many talented artists. Petrea has such a great use of bold colours, very inspiring.

  16. Interesting to see Petrea's vibrant unique style. Thanks for sharing.

  17. What fun and creative art. I think just going with your instincts at times can be amazing and this artist certainly show this to be the case!

  18. My first PPF! I love Petrea's beautiful art. Such inspiration x

  19. So nice to see Petrea featured! I enjoy her work a lot. :)

  20. It's been a while since I've had the chance to participate. I love the addition of the Featured Artist interview. Petrea's work is beautiful.

  21. Happy PPF everyone! I was able to participate this week, yeah! I love how bright your work is, Petrea!

  22. Thanks for continuing to host this great event ~ Happy weekend to you ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  23. beautiful work from Petrea! And a wonderful interview!

  24. Wow, I really enjoyed seeing all the materials/media used,Petrea, and the different explorations into your internal imaginings. Very cool. Thank you Ladies for hosting another week of inspired art.

  25. I love reading the interviews every week- or most weeks. They inspire me and delight me. Wonderful work Petrea, and thanks to Kristin and Eva too. Happy PPF everyone.

  26. I too love the interviews every week. There's usually something that has me shouting out "me too!!"

    Speaking of intuitive painting, I was amazed this week to discover that there was more to my painting than I had thought. Carol (Creative Harbor) said she loved the 'man in the background'. Given that I hadn't painted a man in my background I was confused. Until I looked again.... She's right! Magic :)

  27. So many great artists linked up today I'll bookmark and come back a few times to check out everyone's work.

  28. thanks for another wonderful installment of Artist series!! loved seeing the guitar & the fun portrait!

  29. That orange color is rich and vibrant!

  30. Great interview and work by Petrea. Nice to "meet" you! Being on the East Coast definitely puts me behind the 8 ball. Must catch up and visit all these amazing blogs.

  31. "I try not to compare my paintings to each other as I know that for me each one has it’s own significance and place in my life." What beautiful advice! Thanks for sharing your art and story.

  32. I love what you said about your work "morphing" into something else, and the paintings you loved most being the ones where your paintbrush led you. I've been thinking and writing about the creative process lately, and this is what I've been discovering, too.

    I like the movement in your painting and your upside down girl!

  33. What an interesting lady, I like the art journals idea.

  34. Love the color and movement of these paintings - the upside down girl is wonderful. Happy PPF!

  35. Love the interview! So glad to be here this week!! Thank you Kristin and Eva! Happy PPF!!

  36. I am fascinated with Petrea's work and can't wait to visit her sites to see more. Art journals were where I got my start and are still my favorite way to experiment with technique and color. I have aways wanted to work with gouache and this lush, gorgeous art has prompted me to go online today and get what I need to start!

  37. Soo lovely! Great works! ^.^ Love the colors.

  38. I really love your blog and the fact that anyone can share any piece of art on it no matter what age they are! and the interviews you do are really cool.I love hearing about different artists all the time
