
Friday, October 28, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 33 Check-In

And now for something a little bit different... and a little bit fun and Halloweeny! Welcome to Week 33 of Paint Party Friday where this week the big treat, as always, is sharing in and seeing each others' painting endeavours!

Last week our poll talked about where you buy art and while "all of the above" won (as usual), the top three were - from Etsy stores, from the artist directly and from art festivals or friends who are artists. That suggests to us, that these could also be good strategies for selling paintings (if you are so inclined). The contact between buyer and artist seems to encourage you to buy and so contact with you as an artist, may encourage others to buy from you.

We would like to explore that further but Hallowe'en is fast approaching as is the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos). Many of you have been showing us art inspired by these celebrations and we thought we'd join in with a silly, fun poll and ask - What's your favourite Hallowe'en candy?

Please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

By the way, our friend and fellow partyer, Natasha May, is having a Halloween Party !! Join in the fun on October 31st at her blog if you'd like to partake in some artsy Halloween festivities.

Meanwhile enjoy all the wonderful paintings and fabulous fellow artists here at Paint Party Friday!


  1. Hello!!! so wonderful to be here and I have to say that chocolate is my all time favorite treat!!! I love it!!!!

  2. I've been missing in action for a couple of weeks due to travel, but I'm pleased to be back in the swing of things. Happy Paint Party Friday everyone!

  3. Thanks so much again for hosting, Kristin and Eva! Always look forward to PPF!

    LOVE chocolate! Dark chocolate is my favorite!

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  4. Actually, except for those nasty lime flavored lollipops, I'd have a hard time turning down almost any candy.

  5. Hello, hello all. I love PPF and thanks for hosting this party Kristin and Eva. I love chocolate, but I will eat corn candy too.:)) You spoke of Dia de Los Muertos and yes it is fast approaching. Hope you can stop by and visit on that day, November 2. I will have my post up by the first. Have a great weekend.

  6. thank you for your art buying poll, so interesting to consider! Happy PPF!

  7. Happy PPF! I think I got my link right this time LOL! As far as candy goes, I usually don't eat that much of it, but when it comes to Halloween I'll eat just about anything that's left over if any!

  8. We don't really do Halloween in my part of Australia, but when we lived in Florida it was great fun... having said that any holiday that includes Chocolate is a good one... never really got Candy Corn... must be a cultural thing... thanks as always for hosting this week's party it makes my week seeing what every one has been up to xx

  9. We don't celebrate halloween in Belgium either. But december 6 is our famous feast of St. Nicholas! It is as important as Christmas.

  10. happy PPF! i'm for chocolates with caramel centers!

  11. Happy PPF! What is candy corn? I clicked all of the above as I know I'll like anything (ANYTHING) sweet I'm given but I'm a brit & never have come across a couple of these in the poll. Off to google it lol xx

  12. Hi there, This is my first time participating. I'll try to get round to visiting everyone. We don't celebrate Halloween in Australia but it looks like lots of fun! This post has made me kinda hungry :)

  13. Thanks so much for grabbing my button and showwing it off like this! :) You are the best! :) As for you poll I can't give just one answer. I love chips and popcorn, I love chocolate and candy, too. But I'm selective. Some candy I don't like for it's taste and other for it's hardness. It's more of a try it and spit it out or have some more with me. :)

  14. Funny you would group m&m's and smartie's together! How did you know they are my top 2 favorites :) Thanks for hosting PPF, it's lots of fun!

  15. Well it has to be chocolate - but none of that Hershey's muck you Americans seem to love.... Sorry, but that just aint chocolate!! I like my chocolate Swiss ;)

    I remember being so disappointed the first time I tasted Hershey's!! Someone brought some back to work from a trip to the States. That has to be the first time ever that a bag of chocolate has just sat there ignored and unloved. Normally it just gets gobbled straight down! It must be the way our taste buds are conditioned as we grow up.

    I remember an American guy at Uni tasting Marmite for the first time. His face was a picture! You haven't lived until you've had Marmite on toast! (for the uninitiated it is yeast extract - made from the scum that floats to the surface during beer brewing!) It's black and looks like tar and tastes... well.... I think it's delicious!

  16. Great photo! Everyone loves chocolate! Thanks again for hosting PPF ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  17. Yum, Halloween candy! We are being soooooo bad at work though, all this month we have been filling a giant bowl with goodies on Friday. Before that we also had what we call " Junk Food Friday" where we all brought in sweets to share! I know, not healthy at ALL, but tis the season!!!!! Deb

  18. Happy Halloween! Thanks for hosting and be sure and eat lots of candy!

  19. I love chocolate of any kind, partial to Mars Bars, Oh Henry, Coffee Crisp...I better stop there! Oh Cadbury Fruit and Nut...

  20. obviously I love chocolate, but i eat that every day all year round. Candy Corn was always my favorite for halloween.

  21. Hey!!! What happened to Snickers!!!!! I love them!!! Especially frozen! Yum! Thanks for hosting this fun party!!

  22. I just discovered PPF via The Happy Tiler, and I am so excited! I'm a painter who's been looking for a group and your blog looks wonderful. I'm looking forward to visiting all the artist who've come to the Party! I am adding your button to my blog right now, and I have a new (unfinished) painting to share with all of you.

  23. YaY! Happy to be joining everyone for another PPF!

  24. I don't paint, but if you don't mind, I am going to add this linky to my linky's/blog hops page on my blog.

  25. I don't eat a lot of candy anymore but I always loved peanut butter kisses, or anything caramely or crunchy. Turtles were a favorite....not usually seen at Halloween but I still loved them.

  26. mmm.....Reeses peanut butter cups. My son hates peanut butter so he gives all of those to ME!

  27. wow - just found this site - thanks for hosting! My fav treat is def chewy sweets - the cheaper the better, though alas, my teeth no longer allow it! so it's popcorn and chocolate for me! x

  28. As long has it has chocolate its all good!! Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous party!!

  29. Yummm chocolate! I love Halloween, the pumpkins, ghosts,goblins and of course candy!
    I've been away for awhile, it's good to see everyone here.
    Happy Halloween!

  30. My favorite growing up was always Tootsie Rolls. Don't know WHY now--they are way too chewy and kind of painful to eat!

  31. Ah, Halloween, my favorite holiday. I love all candies equally -- except Tootsie Rolls. I HATE tootsie rolls with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Happy paint party, everyone!

  32. Happy PPF! So glad to be joining the party again after missing it for so many weeks.

    My candy choices depend on my mood. Usually chocolate but sometimes red vines or something else. And often I prefer salty to sweet (mmm... potato chips).

    Thanks, again, Eva and Kristin for hosting a great party!

  33. Sorry I cannot join you at PPF today, but will try and get to visit everyone over the week. Have a great time. Annette x

  34. Yay! I made it to another PPF! I haven't been as active as I would like but am glad to be back this week. I look forward to visiting you all. Thanks Eva and Kristin for keeping this wonderful site going! :)

  35. So late! Hey, Happy Halloween! & PPF! Thanks for hosting!! Theresa

  36. I need to go out and buy chocolate now... Happy PPF!

  37. Happy PPF wow time is flying by ...this month is almost gone...I am into scrap booking lately and so I have posted about what I am working on there with some dear old photos my Dad gave me.

    - KAT -

  38. Took a break last week because I couldn't get myself motivated to paint. But, this week I'm back with two new paintings, Pretty Please, and another one I have temporarily titled Dandelions. If you want to make a suggestion on a title, feel free in the comments on my blog.

  39. I love this place!!!
    You always have the best pictures for each friday! This time I posted it on my blog and will continue to include your pictures!

  40. Checking in, I hope a Saturday post is ok!

  41. Thanks for hosting, Halloween candy? Toblerone mini bars utter addiction!

  42. I'm not sure if I'm linking in late...or early...but here I am...again with a 'painting' done with fabric and thread. :) Happy November ya'all.

  43. Thanks Eva and Kristin for allowing us to share our arty endeavours :)

    Chocolate all the way for me :)
