
Friday, October 7, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 30 Check In

Welcome to Paint Party Friday (Week 30)!

We are thrilled to have so much enthusiasm for PPF and there continues to be great fun and inspiration at the party each week. Thank you all!

With any group there are bound to be a few growing pains along the way and it has recently been brought to our attention that Paint Party Friday is starting to veer off course a bit. This week we'd like to address that and get back on track by sharing our original intention behind the creation of PPF. You have built this into an amazing playful and helpful group, forming many great cyber-friendships, and bringing fabulous talent and paintings to be shared here:

"In early 2011,  we (Kristin and EVA) each mentioned on our blogs that we wanted to paint more this year. We had both just finished up the intense Sketchbook Project and have been participating in the fun Sunday Sketches (with Blue Chair Diary). We realized that having a weekly check-in helps us actually find the time in our busy lives to create.  Otherwise procrastination often sets in. But where were the painting check-ins? If they existed, we didn't find them. So we decided to create one!

Paint Party Friday is a fun place to visit and check-in to show off your Works-In-Progress (WIP) and your finished paintings. Let us help you celebrate what you've done! There are no rules, we are here to play, paint, share our efforts with our friends, encourage each other and hopefully accomplish more together!"

We still want to avoid rules. So we have a big favour to ask all of you wonderful partyers. PPF is about painting. It has turned out to be great fun and we always want to attend the party ourselves. But if we haven't painted, we don't link. (And that usually keeps us painting!)

Your visits are awesome. Everyone loves being visited and you are the best visitors ever! PPF feels like a loving family. If nothing has been painted and people still link though, it takes up visiting time that could have been spent visiting those who have painted. We'd really appreciate it if everyone could respect that and only link in a week when you have a painting to share.  Many of you already do this (Yay!) - if the rest could join in... that would be super! Thank you so very much! (And if you could make sure to link to your blog post url versus your blog home page url - also appreciated.) 

With that in mind, we hope you continue to share your weekly painting accomplishments with us! Whether you use watercolors, acrylics, oils, or mixed media and whether you paint on canvas, paper, in a sketchbook, on walls, wood  (or chairs) - the paintings you create are welcome here!

Here's Mr. Linky!

Hope you have a great time at the party and lots of fun painting!

P.S. What incredible comments and advice last week! We will return to that next week.

P.P.S. It was hard for us to talk about things like this issue, fearing to offend anyone. (We hope we didn't!) Since people are mentioning it to us, we felt more of you might silently be thinking the same thing and so it should be addressed. 


  1. I love the signs you come up with each and every week!!! I have to say that I paint about the same amount....but meeting all the amazing people here and seeing what they create is truly an inspiration!!!!

  2. hehehehe
    yep. i *do* actually paint more for this link up. is that lame? i hope not. this is my favorite link - up because i think there is the highest quality linkers on this one.

    i paint more so that i can link on ppf, so that i can engage with other prolific painters. if that's lame, then i'm okay with that :)

    i've met some groovy painters from ppf.

    i don't mind that i paint sometimes specifically for this link.

    in fact, that's probably a good thing :)


  3. Thanks Kristin and Eva for creating this space. It has introduced me to so many terrific artists who inspire me each week and keep me splashing that paint around!

  4. I don't think I have been painting more for PPF but I certainly get excited about the post, and have been working on art videos to have ready for the blog :o)

  5. I am brand spanking new to painting.. Never in a million years would I think I would try painting..
    I have seen so many of my blog friend play here and wanted to join in.. I cant wait to hop around and see everyone's paintings. Thanks so much for hosting this fun party..

    Hugs, Linda

  6. Hi! This paint party has become pretty addicting! I love how it has really got me to pick up my paints and paint! Thanks for the fun!

  7. I pretty much agree with everything that Amy has said. I was painting anyway (I hope using pen and ink still constitutes 'painting' as that's what I mostly do!) but I find myself pushing through any painter's block (i.e. a desire to curl up on the sofa and watch tv instead of being creative!) because I want to be able to link up here - I've met so many genuine, lovely people that even though I may never actually meet them in 'real life' I consider them friends and value their opinions. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Even my husband encourages me to paint 'so I have something for Friday' - love it!

  8. sorry. usually my link is a painting... this week they are doodles, as i havent participated in a long time. I linked up before I read the post. please feel free to remove me... but I don't seem to be able to remove my link. sorry!

  9. Not only has Paint Party Fridays PUSHED me to be dedicated to creating at least one new work a week BUT also try NEW mediums! Love the inspiration and support this group brings to me each week.

  10. PPF has definitely pushed me to paint. With my full time job I must admit I hardly painted at all in the past 7 years maybe one painting in two years. PPF has got me to think about painting every week ( even if only on the same painting for a while!) and come up with new aceos for Etsy too! The inspirations and friendships here are amazing thanks to Eva and Kristin!!!! I have a question though, what do you guys feel about posting an old painting that we did a while back but no one has seen on here? I have done that a couple times when I maybe shouldn't have. But I must admit when someone else has done it, I am still really glad they did because otherwise I would never have gotten to see that particular painting. What do you think? Happy PPF everyone!

  11. I paint for PPF! It gives me a purpose to have check-ins. Lovely header sign!

  12. PPF ~ Thanks so much and I agree ~ this group is definitely very motivational for me ~ enjoy the week and Happy PPF to you all. ~

  13. Sorry... I hope I haven't offended anyone! I joined later in the game, and saw other sketches & didn't realize that wasn't allowed. I will change my post around a bit to add some watercolors this week. Thanks!

  14. PPF definitely motivates me to paint more. I always have a million projects going at once, and it's hard to focus my relatively limited art time. Knowing this weekly check-in is going on, and not wanting to miss the party, gives me the added motivation to work on a particular piece, or to further develop an idea. I think your above request is a reasonable one, and is written with so much love and respect, we couldn't possibly be offended! Thanks, as always, for providing the home for this great group!

  15. Hi it's my first time on PPF. I look forward to visiting everyone.

  16. Hi Kindreds!
    Happy PPf!
    i think the ppf has been fabulous..i paint all the it is a great way to share regularily and meet new creatives!

    Happy Thanksgiving wkd to my Canadian friends..I will be celebrating this wkd and not around much.. but i will be sure to visit...throughout the wkd when I can!
    Hugs and sparkles

  17. PPF does motivate me to paint more! I'm a terrible procrastinator. I'll start several things and never get back to them or plan to start something but keep putting it off. Now I think, "Let me just finish this up so I can post it for the paint party on Friday!" It's a great motivator. Thank you both for starting it and keeping it going each week.

  18. Paint Party Friday's check in has definitely spurred me on to painting more and is just the right amount of accountability I need. I'm not missing a money deadline if I don't make it, but if I can't make it one week, I really feel like I'm missing out! So I try to make sure that I paint!!!

  19. This is great, I love owls, the first one I visited is fabulous with the poem. I added my owl and your url so that everyone can visit. As I previously mentioned, I have to do this vicariously, b/c of my mac doesn't like linksy or whatever that thing is. I have tried it before on Red heads blog and it just doesn't work for me. So, here I am anyway. Blessings, Janet

  20. Love PPF! Always fun to check in and see what everyone's been up to! And have connected with alot of AMAZING artists in blogland! POP ART MINIS

  21. Hooray for another fun week!!!

    @Janet: I added a link to your owl painting so that the other partyers can find you :)



  22. Hi everyone. Haven't had much time to do some real painting but I worked on a previous painting so as to have something to post. I always try to post about painting and not other things that don't relate to painting. PPF has made a difference in my life, but as of late haven't been able to do much because being out of town most of the week is very tiring. I appreciate all of you and enjoy your work and if I haven't been able to get to your blog, it's because I don't have a computer when out of town. So sorry about that. In any event, please have a great weekend. Thanks Eva and Kristin.

  23. I definitely have been painting way more since I joined PPF. I didn't paint that much before that, and PPF really got me going - and I thoroughly enjoy it. Something is missing if I don't have anything to show and therefore have to pass PPF (but I can still visit!!), but if I remember correctly I only linked up to PPF if I had a painting. Thank you for creating (and maintaining) this wonderful forum, Eva and Kristin!

  24. Hello! This is my first visit to Paint Party Friday. Can't wait to see & meet everyone :)

  25. Yes, your regular Friday call outs have been very good for me. I didn't get anything done this week, life is just too crazy.
    I'll check out some others today though.

  26. Hey, I didn't think I would make it, but so glad I did this week! I love feeling encouraged and visiting others and encouraging them. Thanks for hosting.

  27. Is anyone else having the curse of the disappearing comments on blogger? I fully intend to get around everyone this weekend, but if I don't leave a message it's cause it disappeared. Eva, I've just left two on your page that disappeared.... I know lots of others are having this problem too. I might see if there's a forum discussion that explains the problem... Grrrr.....

  28. Oh, darn it! I left my link and comment on last week's party! My bad. Fixed now!

    Mine's not super skillful -- a comic this week in MS Paint!

    Happy PPF everyone!


  29. Definitely ppf has forced me to set better goals and complete them. I look forward to blogging Fridays too! Love the connections and inspiration I get from these artists! Thanks again for starting, and maintaining such a great place for artists!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. Whew! I almost didn't make it to the party this week! lol I have to say that being a part of this link up party each week does motivate me to paint more. And that is a good thing! I look forward to it each week! Thanks Kristin and Eva for hosting this each week and bringing us all together to share and connect! Happy PPF everyone!

  31. About 6 months ago, I set the goal for myself to finish and post on my blog 1 painting a week.

    Found PPF about 4 weeks ago, and it has positively reinforced and validated my goal and introduced me to so many other creative painters and bloggers with the same goal of posting 1 new painting a week! I love it! And I look forward to it all week now!!

    Thank you, Eva and Kristin for hosting!!
    I hope that PPF goes on indefinitely!
    Got so inspired this week, that I even signed up for the Sketchbook Project 2012 (Kristin's sketchbook inspired me)! :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mary C. Nasser Art Blog

  32. So happy to (finally!) be here! I love what you have here and so admire and appreciate all the love and dedication it takes to make this such a success. Thank you for this opportunity, Kristin xo

  33. Thanks for hosting this. I hope my Ipad paintings are ok for this meme. If not please leave a comment on my blog - and I will upload works with traditional media. Happy Weekend, Evelyn

  34. I am always in love with the pictures you post for this event!
    You got me started painting again!!!

  35. Do I paint more because of PPF? Probably yes, I love to come along every week and wander around this virtual gallery. I try to get around everyone and leave a comment and feel bad if I don't but some weeks I am such a busy girl that it just isn't possible. I do get so inspired seeing what everyone creates and watching you all grow too. One thing I noticed was that posting here pushed me to try and post different styles and try different things - to give a bit of variety to my posts!!
    Thanks to both of you for giving us your time to provide this wonderful place!

  36. I have just found out about you lot and it seems very inspiring just meeting you all so I hope it gets me painting more!

  37. i think i will be painting more again am new this week and am acyually having trouble with my commenting on blogger...grrr...some i have tried 4 times to no avail...ill leave them on the ones that are working as i am so inspired by everyones

  38. I totally agree that having challenges that create deadlines of a sort...motivate me to get at it! I look back on this year of starting a blog and getting some all be it small paintings done, at least they got done!
    And it is all about the practice.

  39. Well, I'm a sign painting fool but I love PPF! It's fun to share your hard work with everyone. Thanks for doing this!

  40. I love being here. I think it helps me keep on track, although I would paint anyways. I love connecting here!

  41. not working again, so sorry if my comments are disappearing into the universe

  42. I'm actually new here and so excited to have found a challenge devoted to painting. Thank you! I've tried some other challenge sites, but this one seems like it could be a good fit.

    This past week I was lucky enough to try encaustic painting for the first time. Here is a link:

  43. hi everyone i have new sketches just upload to my blog check it out
