
Friday, July 15, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 18 Check-In

Welcome to Week 18 of Paint Party Friday!  We hope you are enjoying an easy breezy summer...

We've found that one of the best ways to re-charge our creative batteries (other than eating many delicious flavors of ice cream) is to take a holiday! For this week's poll question (assuming you aren't already away on holiday...), we're curious... Where is your favorite vacation destination?

If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Have a great time at the party!


  1. wow!!! week 18 already!!! I am having an extra special reason to party this Friday!!! It is our son's 5th Birthday and we are starting Friday and going all weekend.....He also painted something to share with you all!!! hope you love it!!!

  2. Wow, the weeks have flown by, seems like we just began this journey. Looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to.

  3. Hello everyone! I can't believe it's Week 18! Looking forward to seeing what everybody has been up to! :)

  4. Vacation! I just love having time off and being able to govern my own time. I love the beach, I love the mountains although here in Texas we say hill county around where I live. But mostly I just love being able to be able to find time to do creative things! Happy PPF!

  5. Missed last week! Glad to be back!

  6. I like the poll. Mostly though, you'll find me at home. Hello everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend. Diana, I stopped by your blog and excellent portrait of our son Cole. Time goes by fast. Enjoy. Thanks Kristin and Eva as always!

  7. Oh I love your little man on the beach, tee hee.

  8. I love traveling but I won't be doing any this year. *sad* I'm staying at home and painting this year. :)

  9. Hi Ladies, nice to be back again. Here's wishing you all a happpy PPF! Valerie

  10. Yeah, road trips!!!! Just got back from a biggie,8 hours to see my mom. Turned into a kind of reunion with my old high school friends too, wonderful visits! I must admit I would also just like time off to paint too, LOL!

  11. very cool little gnome on a bucket!

  12. I like the idea of visiting big cities (eg Paris, New York City, Rome), I guess to see the famous sights.

  13. Thanks for hosting another PPF - Time's flying by this year. My next vacation will be in Phoenix for the Art Unravelled classes. Can't wait and it's right around the corner!

  14. New participant here ~ Thanks for hosting this ~ Great way to keep me creating ~ hugs and namaste, Carol ^_^

  15. Can't seem to get the link list up there to work, but I actually managed two this week - from start to finish.

    Can see them here:


  16. This is becoming my New favorite site! My third week participating and I am loving it! I have enjoyed visiting a large majority of the blogs. Really great meeting like minded people too! Thanks for hosting!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Hi Micael,
    Your links came through just fine - sometimes the cache seems to take a few minutes.

  18. Just the word vacation makes me happy. I love to go anywhere new and different, haven't taken one yet this year but hopefully soon! :-)

  19. Love that cute little guy!Happy Paint Party Friday,,

  20. I love the word vacation! The perfect vacation is definitely a beach cottage for this mermaid!

  21. Happy PPF Everyone Vacation this yr is to see all my 6 sisters and three brothers and my dad in the Smokey Mountains at a mountain resort fun, fun, fun...and I get to spend a whole weekend with my gran-daughter from Virginia!

  22. Well, it looks like we have more than one Kat! I should have distinguished myself more. I'm happy to be back!

  23. I'm retired so every day is vacation (not really)! When we get to go away, I like to go to the Henry's Fork area in Idaho to flyfish.

  24. What a cute foto on the beach....I think I need him for my newly bound foto album:) My entry this week is covered with some of my own marbled paper...perfect for all the summer vacation fotos...don´t you think:)

  25. Happy PPF everyone, and just love the gnome on the upturned bucket........... We are taking a short vacation at the end of the month to Stratford on Avon and will be visiting the Cotswolds which is always so beautiful and interesting. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  26. Just spent time in the Pacific Northwest and it was really beautiful. Need to see more of the US! Happy PPF!

  27. I must be getting old!!! I just enjoy staying home!!!
    Happy vacations whatever you do!!!!

  28. Happy PPF everyone! Any vacation sounds good to me! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  29. Happy PPF - you are all so wonderfully inspirational!! This week's painting has inspired another thanks to you all! We will be going on vacation in August and I can't wait to spend time with the family...we all get so bust ya know...have the BEST weekend we are celebrating my wee ones first birthday - cake for all of you!! And many cartwheels :)

  30. I love the beach, and love little roadtrips. I agree with everyone that spending time with family is the best matter where you are!
    Happy PPF to All!! Kathryn

  31. I'm off to Hawaii in just 14 sleeps time. Woohoo! Big flight, 5 hours from one side of Aus to the other then 11 hours to Honolulu!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. A day late to the party and my first time here...what fun! Looking forward to hopping by everyone's pages and seeing what creative fun they have in store! Oh, and vacation...hoping to get one of those before the end of the year...traveling back to see family! Thanks for the link up!

  34. Happy PPF...had to post blog twice since first time did not enter properly :)

  35. I'm so good at vaca, wish I had more time to work at it :) LOVE the beach, LOVE staycations. LOVE PPF ... thx Kristin & Eva for the last 18 weeks! ... need to go pick up a paint brush ...

  36. Playing with watercolor and digital. Look forward to a road trip one day :)

  37. my favorite destination is Italy. My favorite time to go is in the Autumn though since I can't stand the heat of summer.
