
Friday, July 8, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 17 Check-In

Welcome to Week 17 of Paint Party Friday! (Where has the time gone?!?)  We hope you are finding some time to enjoy all of the fun and simple pleasures that summer has to offer... And we also hope you are finding some time to paint!

In last week's poll we learned that you have many different ways of celebrating - all of them sound great to us (well, except for the catching up on chores! hee hee).  This week we have a "cool" easy, breezy summer question for you...  We want to know:  What is your favourite ice cream?

We also wanted to mention that one of our fellow partyers, Geri Centonze, is launching an online directory for blogging artists!  You can read more about it here.

If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Thank you for spending some of your summer at our party... We love this time of the week!


  1. I love sherbet. In fact I just made some strawberry sherbet and froze it in little cups. It's going to be a hot summer and frankly my dear, I can't stand hot weather. I'll have to deal with it till good ole Fall comes around. Happy Paint Friday to everyone, my favorite place to be on Fridays.

  2. Sooo hot here..I can hardly sit at the computer! Vanilla for me...but not very often..sugar gives me heartburn. :(

  3. My entry for Paint Party this week is a little bit cheeky....painted my toenails with stars and stripes for 4th of July. ;)

  4. I think you forgot the 'all of the above' option on this one! I've never met a frozen treat I don't like! lol

  5. My fave is Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia....mmmmm!!! (Btw, this is my first time to participate in Paint Party Friday!) :)

  6. Funny you should ask about ice cream as my last blog post was a twisty town inspired by an ice cream sundae!! Ice cream isn't my favourite 'naughty' thing to eat but like most bad food things if someone gave me a big bowl of it, I probably wouldn't say no (unless it was chocolate as I really don't like that!)Mostly though I much prefer a nice sorbet or ice pop! I'm off on my hols for a week so will miss next week's party (first one I'll miss!) see you when I get back.

  7. Ho you all, looking forward to a fun day again, looking at your pictures and being visited my you. I was thinking if painting ice cream today, strange you should choose it for the poll! Havea great day you all! Valerie

  8. Pears for me. Looking forward to visiting you all! Julie

  9. I love any kind of ice cream as long it's a fruit flavour. :)

  10. I definitely prefer the chocolate and to compensate for the extra calories I accompany it with a chilled green tea. Greetings from Spain.
    It seems that blogger is now back playing with us .... I'm Mari ... xo

  11. Wow ice cream sure sounds good right now!!!

  12. My favorite is pineapple gelato, but dairy queen chocolate dipped cone is second. Actually they are two different animals! I think I need to hit up the beach this weekend for a pineapple cone! Have a great weekend! Fun poll really have to think...what do I love?

    Hugs Giggles

  13. I do love a dairy queeen chocolated dipped in chocolate with nuts...but my all time favorite would be a Sanders Hot Fudge cream puff with either vanilla or butter pecan ice cream...a true taste of Detroit! my mouth is watering!
    cheers, dana

  14. Thanks for hosting another PPF! I scream Ice Cream:)

  15. Growing up my mom made something called "duro frio" in ice cube trays...which I loved in the summertime! She basically made a vanilla shake in the blender and poured it into the trays...yummy! :)

    Happy PPF and I hope you're both enjoying the summer!!

  16. While I don't each much sweets I must say that during the rare times that I do, it has to be ice cream. My favorite flavor since I was a kid is always Pistachio!!!! Love it! Thanks to Eva and Kristin for hosting another fun PPF :-)

  17. oh ice cream!!! yummy!!! you know I have this thing about Spumoni Ice Cream!!! love it!!! just hard to find it all the sherberts and gelatos are good too!!!!

  18. I love all kinds of icecream! Its my go to treat! And my fav flavor is chocolate! Happy PPF!!

  19. Hiya am going to be a bit late for the party as am waiting for paint to dry, plus I need a glass of wine to recover from this great painting disaster...... xx

  20. Hagan Daz Chocolate Chocolate Chip!!!!!

  21. I am forever disappointed that Dairy Queen did away with Butterscotch Dipped Cones. :(

    I will have almost anything on the poll but love chocolate popsicles!

  22. When it comes to ice cream it's a good vanilla (Cornish yum) I like a few others chocolate and raspberry etc but I would like to keep them plain'ish maybe some raspberry sauce and a flake ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  23. my favourite ice cream is chocolate fudge brownie at Baskin Robbins, it's actually frozen yogurt but I can't tell the difference! And yes, I'm loving the lazy summer, it's just perfect!

    Thanks so much Kristin and Eva for PPF!

  24. I love a good gelato, or an unusual fruit sherbet. However, a good Rocky Road always works for me too.

  25. wow this is getting so popular I am number 42 A and it is early Friday. Love coming here and looking at all the great creative artists work

  26. No time to paint this week....or eat ice cream lol...busy getting the new blog site ready for launch! Thanks for the plug!

  27. Happy Creating everyone...have a sparkling day!..see you all soon!
    No icecream for me..allergies..and senstivities..thats ok..I am more of a chocolate girl..not really into sweets!!
    And...I also Love my vino!

  28. I like home made vanilla or mint chocolate chip, which I used to make with goats milk, fresh mint leaves and a shaved chocolate bar. Wow, I'm #45, so much for getting going early this week!

  29. My homemade vanilla ice cream with chunks of bittersweet chocolate. Yummy!

  30. Fresh peach,soft!
    I once had marscapone ice cream and oh my, rich, rich, rich!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. My favorite of all time was Edy's Chocolate Malted with Fudge-covered almonds. Alas, I haven't seen it for years. So...Heavenly Hash...or anythiing choc w could throw in some raspberry, too LOL.
    Vernors ice cream is another rare but good one. You might have guessed that I voted for unusual!
    By the way, if you're interested in Mermaids, be sure to check out my blogpost....

  32. Hi everyone, this is my first time here at PPF. My friend Julie Prichard has been talking about finding this site and the feedback everyone offers. I'm looking forward to looking around!

  33. Hi/ho again. Just popping in.

  34. mmm my first link was broken! Try the last one. x Julie

  35. Hehehehe..this pole cracks me up. For once I am in the minority eating my way through all the flavors. I used to be a strictly chocolate girl. If any other flavor was waved in my face I might have to pull out my weapons.

    But for some reason in the past two years I never by just chocolate but all the super weirdo or semi gourmet pino noir flavored goats milk ice cream. No lie. Not too shabby either.


  36. This sounds wonderful ~ hope to participate ~ next week! thanks ^_^

  37. If only we had ice cream weather, raining again....Book club tonight reading the $64 tomato; it may come to it this year. I shouldn't complain other parts of the country and world are having much more extreme weather.
    Cheers to ice cream weather :)

  38. sorry I missed the party this week with a verrry long work week and broken waterlines! Hope to be back next week with Calvin finished!
