
Friday, May 13, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 9 Check-in - The Party After the Storm

Welcome to a very chaotic Week 9 of Paint Party Friday. We had a brilliant and amusing post (haha) scheduled to go up at 12:01am Friday. It, like so many of your posts, is now lost in all the problems Blogger had overnight. This was the equivalent of a tornado or a hundred year flood for those of us with Blogger. An anomaly, a black swan, it was definitely a challenge to many of us. The same thing could likely have happened to Wordpress or TypePad. It might not have affected as many of us but who knows. So think of this party as one where the heat and power have gone out but no lives were lost. We still have food (and wine) and we are going to have a great time!

We'll skip the poll this week and try to recreate what we would have been said this week in next week's check-in. (They say those posts will return. Anyone taking bets on that?) Meanwhile, here's a question for your comments: How do natural (or technological) disasters affect your creativity?

If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Hope you enjoy the belated party!


  1. I think everything that happens outside *the normal* sporns to more creativity. Today the blogger break lead to some creative tidying up and cleaning, found a lot of old friends, so everything OK1 Happy PPF!

  2. Hi everyone. Looks like Blogger was down for a while and therefore a lot of us lost our scheduled posts. That's okay, my post is up and now I have to clean house and studio, unless I get lazy and right now I'm feeling pretty lazy. Have fun.

  3. I had a post scheduled this morning, too, but got deleted. Luckily I save most of my blog posts in Word so there was no need to pick my brain again. :))) And to answer your question I seem to be more creative when I'm upset. Go figure. I guess negative emotions are more powerful.

  4. this is my first PPF and i am so glad to be here!! i wish i would have found this blog before! I have been in a creative funk lately and cant seem to produce and concentrate so I hope this pushes me past that!

  5. I know several other people who lost their posts too. SO sorry you ran into such trouble. Hopefully the rest of your day gets better. Thank you for persevering and posting for us anyway!!

  6. Mine's a piece I did earlier this week - just edited it to add the finished detail.

  7. Ooops - left my comment on the wrong post. As I said there, I have a couple of blogger blogs so was a little irritated that they were down, but I have lots of other things to do, so I just kept checking back.

    This is my first PPF participation so I'm really looking forward to seeing other people's creativity from the week. My art blog is new though I have 2 others that have been around for a couple years. Just decided it was time to jump into the artistic arena too!

  8. AS you can see from my post I too was effected. Much worse for you than me. You are doing such great job for us all. THANK YOU

  9. I feel a bit off-schedule today, but I guess I am coping with this technological disaster! Just playing a bit of catch up on today. Happy PPF weekend.

  10. Jeezo that was a pain with blogger...of course I'd taken upteen photos to share....grrrr...anyway, all's well now and going to check out other partiers:)

  11. You have to wonder about Friday the 13th???? Actually, I think havoc sometimes might increase my creativity, but not all always.
    My lucky number happens to be 13, so far so good with my posts but when my son went to weed under the pines he accidentally chopped the tops off my Hostas.....about five plants.There was no need to get angry, he didn't know and hopefully they will return . Glad to see you gals made it in today....already to play. My little owl returns for another visit but it is a WIP....WILL BE PAINTED NEXT WEEK.

    Thanks for not giving in ....Annabelle

  12. I had wondered about that, especially since for once in my life I actually had a post written up on time. Evil gremlins ate Blogger. I feel your and several thousand peeps frustration. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

    As for disaster striking creativity, here's hoping nothing ever happens to cause such a problem, but I've always figured that I would find a way. Physical impairment would be the worst, though mental impairment might destroy those neurons I source my creativity from, if it was only physical I'd still find a way.

    As for external disasters, I've written in doctor's surgeries, crocheted in hospital waiting rooms. As long as I have pencil and paper, there is always something I can do, even beyond that if necessary.

    (dashing off to young they can be disaster creating :D)

  13. Glad to be back at the party! I missed last week because of traveling and didn't do as much painting as I would have liked this week, but I am so glad that I had PPF to hold me accountable! What a pain with the Blogger problems, but we're making due.

    Not sure how natural or technological problems affect my creativity. Sometimes they provide a great excuse to play hooky...

    Happy PPF and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  14. So glad everything is up and running!!! Yeah!!!!!!

  15. Here in south Louisiana we have our share of natural disasters. I'd like to be able to say it spurs my creativity, but the reality is when you have no eletricity, no AC or heat, no water, no phone, and no open stores to buy food and water for weeks at a time, and there's a gaping hole in your roof, you aren't focused on creating art. It's isn't practical to try to create art in those conditions, and your mind is focused on just getting through that time.

  16. Nice to have everything back up and running...reminds me to feel grateful for the small things I often take for granted :)x

  17. Phew, what a frustrating day - who knew how much I take my blog for granted and how much I love to participate in Paint Party Friday! Like most people, I kept logging in all day on the off chance it was back and then finally gave up only to check now at nearly midnight and low and behold, it's back up and there are people at the party after all!! It's amazing how much we rely on technology nowadays and how lost we are when it plays up! Creatively I don't do much art (actually no art at all) using technology as I hand draw/paint everything but I certainly miss being able to blog about it and hope Blogger doesn't let us down again!

  18. what FUN! i just found out about this -- i hope i can get it together to participate next week. as for the blogger blowup -- unspeakable horror!! :)

  19. Great to see the party in full swing...although I'm fashionably late, I'm happy to be here! :)

    As for technical difficulties affecting my creativity, they do...but I use the difficulties to come up with something new, also creative, and keep on keepin' on, chicas! After all, life is art, art is life and life is unpredictable, like art.

    Happy PPF!

  20. This is my first time participating. I've been lurking for a few weeks now. I love seeing everyone's artwork!

  21. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone when I came to PPF to add my post and it wasn't here. I haven't scheduled a post yet, so I didn't have the irritation of having it disappear. But now being in the world of digital art through being a graphic designer and art director for many years I learned early on SAVE and SAVE OFTEN. I still get burned on occasion, it's the nature of the beast. If you are fairly new to the computer world remember this: it's not if you crash it's when.

    So glad to be here and thank you to my visitors! Happy PPF!

  22. While creativity might not always present itself in the form of art, disasters seem to bring out everyone's creativity (novel ways to cope) and often increase their collaboration.

    Welcome @BahamaDawn - We hope PPF helps you as it is definitely helping many of us. @Terrie, @aimee, and @brendathour - so happy you could join the party! Welcome!

    @JennyBlair and @POintyPix - you are so right! We really take things for granted until they go amiss. So THANK YOU Blogger, we're grateful for all the days you are normally there for us!

  23. A Great BIG Thanks to EVA for getting this post up!!! EVA you are a rock star!!!

    I'm so glad to still see so many familiar faces and meet new friends too - Thanks to you all for making PPF such a fun place to share (even with a Blogger disaster)!

    I'm not able to play this week, but I'll be sure to visit you all when I am able!

    @Annabelle: Hostas are very hardy plants... we had some suffer some serious damage and they ended up coming back as good as new :)

    Hugs to you all...

  24. I'm betting those posts are lost. But I'm hoping to lose that bet. ;) Glad to be able to play after all.
    My Blog

  25. thanks again for creating this fun friday!!!

  26. Hi have entered my name twice as apparently there is difficulty following the link. Not sure what is going on as have lost comments as well, pain oh pain. I so enjoy Paint Party Friday so this time I hope the link can be followed. Thank you all for such a great time. Annette x

  27. Ha! What a great question. I'm sad to admit this but circumstances outside my control like natural or technical snafus tend to rock my world. I get all ferklempt and miserable. I don't really like this about myself and when I catch myself in the middle of a negative mindset I put a lot of effort into talking myself off the ledge.

    Sometimes this works better than others. I'm happy to report that Blogger's mess did not freak me out though. I took it as a gift because I hadso much on my plate it was one less thing to obsess about!! LOL

  28. I've been so, so lucky in my life to have very few real disasters, natural or otherwise. In art, it seems to me, disasters may be uncomfortable, but are almost always lessons in the making. When they happen, I just roll up my sleeves and figure out a way to make it work. I think art and problem solving are often synonymous!

  29. My PPF entry is a give-away this week.
    Happy weekend ☺
    xox, Lisa

  30. I am entering twice but from different blogs & different paintings.

    I love nature but I am not a lover of technology all though I need it. When disaster happens with techy stuff I am no good I can't sort things out for my self. I just get frustrated and call some one who knows what there doing.

    But nature creates so much inspiration for me so much, whether it's good or bad Nature is more powerful than anything on the planet. We are part of that and I am grateful.

  31. I am really late...and after missing a few weeks and finally having something to post and then losing it...UGH! But better late than never :)
    Everything affects art, natural and technological, because we and our art are so connected...that's when we learn to incorporate all that affects us and express it via art, which I guess helps us process our reactions in a creative and therapeutic way. Sometimes the only way I can express my frustration or elation is through art! Happy Weekend!

  32. Hi Everyone..I am soooo late!
    My post got lost like many of I share this new one I created..

    Happy PPF! I will be sure to visit during the week..and hope to catch up on all that I have missed!
    Happy Creating everyone ....and by the way.. it has been so fun meeting you all...thanks for all your visits and support and sharing your magical world with me!

  33. My first time to join the party- rather late though! I'm going to go and visit now! Patsy from

  34. I'm late ... I've been traveling, but I will try to visit all the artists ... Saludos.

  35. i had fun with resin sand texture gel medium this weekend - love it!

  36. Sorry I posted in the previous weeks by accident. x

  37. Prairie fires and floods! We only have rain and more rain and wild growth in the garden. Wishing for sun :)

  38. Hii.. I'm really enjoying PPF experience especially if people come to my blog and share their thoughts & insights :)
    As for disasters.. well, anything that goes beyond our control..we can't do anything much, can we? But we are all a lucky bunch! Being craetive & artful, we always have something to do :D

  39. happy PPF! Happy to be here again this week...

    Disasters? I think I have learned what constitutes an actual disaster and to go with the flow when things are not really that bad. :)
