
Friday, April 29, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 7 Check-in

Welcome to Week 7 at Paint Party Friday! So great to see so many of you returning every week and to meet new painters who have just discovered the party!

Last week we learned about how you started painting. Most of us are either self taught painters or have taken assorted courses but are not formally trained. Some do have degrees in Art. Lots of you included favorite books in your comments and posts. Others admitted to being online tutorial/course junkies and even linked to some of their faves.

What great ideas to help us learn from each other! Thank you!! Please keep those ideas flowing! And we all seem to be like Michelangelo, who said "I am still learning."

This week's poll is influenced by a quote from another famous artist "So I said to myself-I'll paint what I see-what the flower is to me but I'll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking the time to look at it. I will make even busy New Yorkers take time to see what I see of flowers." (Georgia O'Keeffe).  So we ask, does size matter?

If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Have a great time at the party! We look forward to hearing more about the sizes you like to paint in the comments.

Oh! If you haven't already, make sure to check out what Kristin's Chocolate Covered Peep Pops inspired in Mari at Plucky Chicken Heart! LOL! (Maybe she had one too many or perhaps that chocolate was spiked?)


  1. Yay! Another Paint Party Friday! :) I'm most comfortable painting on 12" x 12" cradled panels. I don't know why but that's the size I usually pick.

    Lately, I've been adventurous and started recycling old magazine and book pages (this week's painting, for example!). That has opened my eyes to new possibilities...

  2. I have painted big and small, but never a mural. I think size doesn't matter. I've seen some incredible art on the smallest of things, like piano keys, and really bad art on huge canvases. It's the art that counts, not the size. Loving PPF!!!

  3. Hi, it's me again. I'm early as usual. Can't help it, I love PPF.:DD I love to paint big, but as of late have been painting in my journal which is about 11 x 14 about there,that's small for me. Okay, thanks.

  4. OK give me an hour, I have to take a pic of my artwork I'm just completing, put your badge on my page & I'll be back!!!!! First time joining in although I've been watching ;)

  5. Wonderful quote, wonderful questions.... I have not painted big yet. Well once I painted the side of my VW Bus, oh so long ago. That was wonderful. A wee hippy chick I suppose. A unicorn with wings, a sun with a smiling face, stars and clouds, a mix of day and night... I might have to try big again. Happy PPF!!

  6. Happy Friday! Interesting poll question. I chose 5-24 inches, however I am an ACEO Junkie and they are 2.5X3.5 inches. I also paint on other objects like wooden boxes, trays, etc. I have also painted murals on two walls; one was for my granddaughter the other for her cousin on the other side of her family.

  7. Oh how I wish to be at a still learning phase and be as good as Michael Angelo... or Georgia O'Keeffe

    I selected all of the above because I'm just learning to paint and haven't had enough experience to really have a preference yet. I did paint a large mural on my son's wall and enjoyed that but I also enjoy my small 6x9 sketchbook. It's all good. :)

    Thank you all for visiting my blog :)

  8. I don't have a size preference either. I am loving Aceos at the moment but i have painted large murals and canvasses many years aho which i enjoyed just as much. Apologies if my link is to my blog and not post specific today but am in the wilds of Donegal using an android tab to make sure i don't miss the party!

  9. I am so sorry, I have somehow (let's call it linky challenged) left my URL twice, of course I'm only too happy if anyone wants to visit twice, but I apologize to those that think they now have a bit of a dipstick joining them... either way, really looking forward to visiting you all & please drop on by blog if you get the chance... once will do ;)
    Oh Yeah... size (in this case) irrelevant, all good ;)

  10. Woohoo, PPF again! I'm showing you some naked facts this week! Have a great party you all! Valerie

  11. A nice graffiti to illustrate rl name of this Blog Hop. Esre Thanks for sharing space.

  12. Am still having fun and enjoying my Art Journey. I used to be scared of a blank piece of paper/canvas but since realising it was all part of the journey, mistakes and all, the pressures went away and concentrated on relaxing and having fun. I love being a part of this fabulous group of people who are all so supportive and extremely talented. Best group ever.... Annette x

  13. I've been away for two weeks and was eager to meet again with all of you, visit all the friends of PPF is a source of inspiration for me. Greetings

  14. A canvas that's too large would probably intimidate me, to be perfectly honest...all that white space waiting to be filled...but I would LOVE the challenge!!

    Now painting a mural in my bedroom (a life-size Johnny Depp)...that would be like therapy for me! lol

    Happy PPF! Love your q & a's and of course all the amazing artwork! :)

  15. hiya

    your work is awesome!

    for your outstanding craftiness you have been given a versatile blogger award.

    xxx clare the crafty cow

  16. Great question! When I started painting again (I took a 14 year break) my pieces were really small, 5" x 7" and as I've become more confident in my work, they've gradually gotten bigger and bigger. My newest canvas is 15" x 20" the biggest I've done yet! Of course, my desk is so small, I'll have to work with it in my lap :)

  17. Love the polling...I have missed a couple weeks and trying to put my name in today - I think I entered it on prior weeks - oh well - lately I have mainly been just doing journal pages but really like 19 x 24 ish paper... love any size of handmade paper that I've worked on in the past and again have become addicted!
    cheers, dana

  18. maybe one day I'll get the guts to go really BIG!

  19. Size depends on the medium, for me. I'm more comfortable painting small in watercolor and bigger in oils. And I've even painted a couple of murals in acrylic!

  20. I have painted in all sizes really. My favorite though, tiny! I know it sometimes difficult to get detail but I pride myself in detail so I have to work holding a great big hand magnifying glass. It's not so great on the eyes, but I figure why I'll still can do, then I will do it. :-)

  21. We enjoy reading these comments SO much!!! It is so much fun to learn more about all of you :)

    I paint on anything... Walls, ceilings, canvas, cardboard, furniture, faces... Whatever! The cats run when they see me get out my brushes! ha! (Just kidding!)

    Wheee!!! - totally enjoying the party!

  22. I love doing tiny miniatures as much as I do wall size murals. Besides canvas and walls I've painted on fabric, paper, tin, stone, glass, ceramic, wood (recycled rough as well as smoothly prepped) I just love to paint! "If it stands still, paint it!"

  23. I like small for now. As usual I have another Artist Conk I painted on this week ; waited to the end of the week and yesterday we lost power so needless to say it isn't completed but it's almost there.

    Loving this PPF....Happy Painting everyone.

    Annabelle ~^..^~

  24. Oh great question and interesting to read everyone's preference..I paint on anything and everything...though since attempting to become a "proper" artist(!!) I've been going for small and quite enjoying it...I'm sure it will change though as I grow and change :)

  25. I like to do all sizes!
    I am off to see your art!
    Have a great weekend!

  26. I'm a painstakingly slow painter, and I have a small car, so 30" x 40" is about my maximum size. I have painted a few 7 footers, but mostly much smaller. I think 16" x 20" is my favorite size.

  27. I don't have a preference. I love to paint everything from little to big. Smaller is a little harder for me but I still try! I can't wait to take a look at everyones posts this week. Unfortunately I have to go grocery shopping first...BOO!

  28. I chose 5-24 because I haven't painted anything larger yet. I haven't been painting very long, so I might get to the bigger ones eventually.

  29. HI everyone..happy ppf!

    I love to paint on anything.

    My true love is painting on larger pieces...i love space, allows me to stretch my creative wings...i feel totally at home.

    I also feel it totally propelled my art in new directions and created many growth spurts.

    It also made me and depth and the backdrop. when i first began painting I had never attempted to enter those i crave to learn more and explore and enhance my "vast space" for key..i love also challenges me to know myself better and enhance my skills! It has ignited my journey immensely!

    I find painting small harder for painting larger feels natural for me. But i will truly paint on anything i can get my hands on..
    Happy Creating everyone!

  30. Timing Is Everything! I just linked to my work this week and my post is all about flow. How I think I'm supposed to create vs. how I actually do create. And I think size matters? Only if you want to paint small and you are painting big, or only if you are painting big and you want to paint small. It only matters that you do it, not how.

    Coinky Dink? I Think Not.


  31. a tad bit late for the party today ... just got home from 'work'. Was having PPF withdrawls all day. I paint on anything - any size! Big pieces are scary ... could be left with a big "not lovin' it". Little pieces somehow are easier to rework. But I try not to get discouraged if my creation doesn't meet with my own approval. ... it's yard work and PPF visits for the rest of the w/e. YAY!

  32. Wow51 Party goers this week! And I think I've looked at them all, that doesn't happen very often!

  33. my favorite thing to paint is backgrounds for artist trading cards...and if any of you ever wanna swap an atc with me... :-)
