As chosen by the number generator...
The winner of the $25 Blick e-gift card is #2: Christine
(Please email us at with the email address
you'd like us to send your e-gift card to.)
Welcome to Paint Party Friday's Birthday Celebration and Farewell Party! We are so happy to have you with us as we celebrate 11 incredible years!
Eleven years ago, to the day, Paint Party Friday held it's very first party. In the time since, we've celebrated the good times and come together as a community during the sad ones. We've conducted polls, shared artist interviews, coordinated a charity auction blog hop, hosted a tea party, and had giveaways. We've met artists from all over the world and we've made lifelong friendships.
When EVA and Kristin first invited painters to share their work weekly, we had no idea what to expect. We were surprised and delighted when 64 partyers (including Christine and Peggy) showed up! Our little corner of the the internet continued to grow, and at our first birthday we welcomed 106 guests to the party! Since then, PPF has continued to be a place where artists can come to work on paintings, check-in, share their work, and cheer each other on in the process.
We are so grateful for the community and connections that have been created through PPF, but like all good things, this party is coming to an end next week with one final "After Party". Since good-byes are hard, and we'd love to stay in touch, we hope that you'll share your Instagram names with us. (You can find EVA here and Kristin here.)
As we celebrate the final two check-ins, we'd like to offer a final giveaway. So, in honor of eleven years of friendship, community, art, and inspiration...
We are gifting one of our treasured PPF friends a $25 Blick e-gift card!
All you have to do to enter is share a painting using Mr. Linky below. We will use the number generator to choose the winner. The winner of the random draw will receive a $25 e-gift card.
Good luck! Now... Let's Party!
Welcome to Week 52 of Year 11 here at Paint Party Friday. We continue to hope you are all safe, happy and healthy in this time of social distancing, and that art is helping to alleviate the stress of this unprecedented situation. And that things have improved and opened up in your part of the world.
We are counting down... PPF is almost over. Our 11th Birthday will be next week, the 18th - 11 years to the day from when we created PPF in 2011. And then on the 25th we will have an after-party and that's it. Thank you to all our painters and partyers for your wonderful participation and creations over the years!
Long time PPFer, Christine, suggested everyone post a collage of some of your favourite (own) PPF postings/images (or ones you'd been saving to post) next week. Sounds like a great idea to us! A chance to revisit some oldies and goodies, and maybe see some new creations!
Also next week, in addition to your post link, perhaps you could either link to or put in the comments where else you are active... Instagram etc, so we can all keep in touch. Throw it in this week and next if you'd like! Also we'd love to post all the collages at the after-party so if you have your setting set up such that your images cannot be copied, perhaps you can email the collage to us?
EVA can be found here and Kristin is here on Instagram.
Well, that was a bit wordy, so here is a lovely painting by Margi ( chose #11) of a girl in the Spring rain... Those of us that still have snow are looking forward to that sight!
Welcome to Week 51 of Year 11 here at Paint Party Friday. We continue to hope you are all safe, happy and healthy in this time of social distancing, and that art is helping to alleviate the stress of this unprecedented situation. And that things have improved and opened up in your part of the world.
We are counting down... PPF is almost over. Our 11th Birthday will be the 18th - 11 years to the day from when we created PPF in 2011. (Hmm! Hadn't noticed that rhythm until now!) And then on the 25th we will have an after-party and that's it. Thank you to all our painters and partyers for your wonderful participation and creations over the years! If you have any ideas on how you'd like to celebrate please drop us a line!
This week chose #5 Linda K. In this bright and colourful piece, Linda sends the message many of us need to hear these days...