
Friday, July 19, 2019

Paint Party Friday: Week 20 Year 9 Check In

Welcome to week 20, year 9 of Paint Party Friday!

This week, the number generator chose #4: Soma @whimsandfancies.  Last week Soma shared multiple beautiful paintings (it was hard to choose just one to post!)... You'll have to stop by her blog to see more of her lovely creations!

image courtesy of Soma @whimsandfancies

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts. Wishing you a week filled with beautiful painty goodness!


  1. Happy PPF. This is a lovely painting by Soma.

  2. Lovely to see Soma'a beautiful piece. Happy PPF to all, Valerie

  3. such a soothing and beautiful painting by Soma. Happy PPF everyone!

  4. Such a refreshing piece of art to cool us off in this heat.
    Very beautiful and serene Soma~

    Happy PPF

  5. Soma captured the peacefulness and beauty of a seascape.

  6. I like the way you share a random post from the previous week. Thanks for hosting. - Margy

  7. Happy PPF everyone. Kudos to Soma

    much love...

  8. A beautifully serene painting Soma.
    Happy PPF everyone :D)

  9. Thank you so much for the feature and the lovely comments, everyone!! Really made my day! Happy PPF!


  10. I adore the beautiful simplicity of this painting.

  11. Beautiful and peaceful painting. Love it. :)

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