
Friday, March 1, 2019

Paint Party Friday: Week 52, Year 8 Check-In

Welcome to Paint Party Friday!
It's WEEK 52, Year 8 which means...
Next week PPF turns 8 years old!!! Wow! 
Every week is a party, but next week will be a celebration you don't want to miss!
*We welcome you to create some party themed paintings, but as always you're invited to participate no matter what the subject of your painting is!*

Now on to this week's party...

This week the number generator chose #24: Susan. Last week Susan shared a wonderfully vibrant painting inspired by Matisse with a nod to Picasso... The result was beautifully "Susan"!  Please be sure to stop by her blog for a better look.

image courtesy of Susan

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts. Have a creative week!


  1. Lovely painting from Susan. Happy PPF, although it's only Thursday today! Valerie

  2. Beautiful painting.
    What a happy surprise PPF opened already on Thu! Great!

  3. ps. It's a pity that Susan and too many other Blgspot bloggers let ONLY google signed people to comment.
    Please, please change your comment settings to allow us name/url people to comment too!

  4. Susan your painting is a delight!!

  5. A lovely and cheerful painting! Happy PPF everyone!


  6. What, almost eight already?! That's so exciting!!! Lovely work Susan, and happy PPF everyone!

  7. Love Susan's work. Will put my party hat on next week, wow 8 years!

  8. Love that painting by Susan! Happy PPF! And wow, 8 years! Congrats!

  9. A beautiful painting from Susan. Happy PPF everyone!

  10. Wow! 8 years! The very first time I linked here was in it's first year. Amazing, time flies :)) Gorgeous painting Susan! <3

  11. The pick from Susan is just gorgeous. Happy PPF to all. Looking forward to some great birthday offerings next week

    much love...

  12. Gorgeous and vibrant art,wonderful work! Congrats Susan!

  13. Beautiful artwork...absolute!y stunning!

    Happy PPF

  14. Beautiful art by Susan. Happy PPF!!

  15. Lovely art!
    Happy PPF everyone 😃

  16. What a fun piece, Susan!! Happy #paintpartyFriday!

  17. I absolutely love this Susan! Congrats on being this weeks winner!

  18. That's beautiful, Susan! Love the use of vibrant colors. Just gorgeous.

  19. I have been ill, so I am entering my post late. Blessings and joy to you dear ones.
