
Friday, October 21, 2016

Paint Party Friday: Week 33, Year 6 Check In

Welcome to Week 33, Year 6 of Paint Party Friday!

This week, the number generator chose #17: Morag.  Last week Morag shared a marvelous "moonlight adventure".  In addition to sharing her beautiful painting, she gave us a glimpse into her process.  Please stop by her blog to find out how she creates her mixed media magic.

Morag's blog post has us wondering... How do you paint? Do you have a plan from the start?  Or, do you let the painting guide you and decide as you go?

image courtesy of Morag

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.

Wishing you an inspired week!


  1. Happy Paint Party Friday everyone. I just love this piece by Morag. It is quite powerful. Looking forward to seeing what all of you have created this week.

  2. Wow! Stunning work from Morag, I love it! As for your question, I paint intuitively and spontaneously and let the paint guide me.

  3. So happy to be featured artist!! Thanks again for all those who drop by and share such lovely comments. I really do appreciate it! :)

  4. Morags work is always so stunning! Thrilled to see her featured! Thanks for hosting ladies!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. what a joy to see Morag's gorgeous art featured! Happy PPF everyone!

  6. Morag love your piece that is highlighted today it is so lovely.
    Hi everyone and hope you are having a fabulous PPF.

  7. Thank you for another week of PPF. This has to be the fastest post I have ever done. I LOVE Morag's beautiful creation! As for me, I usually have an "idea" of what I want to do and then the paints and colors take me into another direction. The painting I am doing is just sitting on my art table because of this. The finished creation for all of us is what it was meant to be, one way or another, my opinion, hehe!

  8. Congratulations Morag, a beautiful creation.
    Happy PPF everyone :D

  9. What a lovely painting! I usually have a plan, but that plan can change along the way...

  10. Beautiful work by Morag! Stunning!

  11. Wow! Wonderful artwork. Just beautiful. Thank you for hosting this wonderful meme. I didn't get to link up until today, as I have been out of town. :D
