
Friday, June 19, 2015

Paint Party Friday: Week 15, Year 5 Check-In

Welcome to Week 15 of Year 5 at Paint Party Friday!
This week our random number generator chose #40 - Ginny. In her post accompanying this lovely landscape, Ginny talks about the importance of laughter in your creative process. Please stop by and check out her post. Laughter does make painting and partying so much more fun! Hope there is some laughter and silliness in your life today and this week. ☺

image courtesy of Ginny

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
Have a sun and paint filled week!


  1. Nice work from Ginny, happy PPF everybody! Valerie

  2. Love that scenery by Ginny. Very nicely done. Happy PPF to all.

  3. Ginny, your mountain scene is so pretty. It's just the type of place I'd like to be in these hot summer days.

  4. oh how nice to see Ginny's lovely art featured! Happy PPF everyone!

  5. First time posting here. Its fun checking out all your different styles. There is so much talent in this group! I look forward to submitting in the future weeks. :)
    Ginny, its beautiful. So soft and pretty

  6. Lovely, Ginny!
    Happy PPF, everyone, welcome Liz!

  7. Oh I adore Ginny so good to see her featured! She is such a sage soul with so much wisdom to offer!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Ginny's work is so lovely and peaceful, great to see her featured this week!

  9. Great landscape.Congrats on the feature Ginny!Happy PPF.

  10. Hello everyone! It's been a while. :D
    Love the subtle palette of that landscape!

  11. Wow, that scenery is too pretty and fascinating. Wonderful work by Ginny! Anyway guys, I am going to visit some party halls in Boston. I need to book the venue for my engagement party. After a sound research I made this list of best venues from

  12. Wow!! Just wow! I do really like your ary!
