
Friday, March 2, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Week 51 Check In

Welcome to Week 51 of Paint Party Friday! Week 51!! Next week, we will have been painting and partying for a full year. Wow!! How the heck did that happen? We hope you will join us next week for our anniversary party and for a giveaway and to hear about a few exciting changes we will introduce for Year 2. Make sure to bring your paintings and party shoes!

Thank you all so much for your help in encouraging commenting by getting rid of your word verification. Based on the comments here on PPF, we all really, really appreciate it. (And hate the new captcha WAP - with a passion!) Some of you didn't know you even had word verification set to ON (default). Others couldn't find the place to change your setting. It turns out you are likely in new Blogger and have to go back to old Blogger to change it! (Blogger - what is with you? You used to be easy to use...) Gloria Z gave us this link on how to change the setting if you can't find it. Thanks Gloria! (If you missed last week , please read our post about being a robot and enabling easy commenting. Thanks.) Our poll showed most of you either moderate comments, or are open and have had no spam or if you do, you just delete it immediately.

The time flies so fast - it is already March!! Which started us wondering - are you on track for your painting goals so far this year?

Please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 Check-Ins.

Have a great time at the party!


  1. good evening!
    I was horribly behind trying to take care of my husband. Now he is home and i have good spots of time for painting every weekend! woohoo!!!
    so there are some pluses and minuses and Painting continues.

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  2. Thank you so much for hosting Paint Party Friday, Kristin and Eva!
    Paint Pary Friday definitely helps me to keep on track with my goal of creating a painting a week!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  3. PPF is amazing for keeping me on track. I don't want to miss this party, so that keeps me painting.

  4. Like Mary I find that this is really helps me stay on track and painting regularly... it is helping me get good habits going which is no small feat believe you me... have a last great last week before the birthday...xx

  5. Oh I am so glad I made it for #51 and so sad I missed the big 50. Thanks Eva and Kristin, I so appreciate Paint Party Friday and all it means. Hi To everyone::waving::

  6. Hi Everyone! and happy PPF. I again have lost time of the week. I am so busy with art gallery commisions and I put on a bead art show in June so I am busy with that. So even though I do have new art I don't have photos. I hope you stop by to see more of my "car art"
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Lots of painty painty fun in my post today.

  8. I'm happy to say I've had enough commissions coming through that it's helping me stay on track with my painting goals for this year. I love that each week I can look forward to virtually sharing art with so many other fabulous artist. The mediums are varied and I'm excited to see what each week will bring. Happy PPF! I'm so pleased that you will be continuing on to a 2nd year.

  9. I had the goal to continue drawing every week, just to keep up the good progress I made during Drawing Lab 2011. Since the group doesn't exist any longer I'm happy that there is PPF. Makes it a lot easier to draw every week and then share my work.

  10. Oh yes, and I hope my word verification is off now. If not, please tell me. Thank you!

  11. Thanks so much for hosting this fun party...

    Hugs, Linda

  12. My only goal is to keep drawing (and to get better :)), so PPF is great prompter to do it! It is also so much fun to check entries and to get some great feedback. <3 <3 <3

  13. Happy PPF!! I'm behind with my LifeBook course, but I'll try to get back on the trails soon. :)

  14. I so enjoy taking part in PPF with the encouragement artists give one another.

    I have no goal.....just drift along in my own sweet way haha!

  15. Hello Eva and Kristen, great to be back here on a Friday. Thnaks for hosting the party and have a great week-end!

  16. Captcha Free ~ Happy PPF ~ enjoy the weekend everyone ^_^

  17. Thanks for hosting PPF! This is my first time linking with this talented group.

  18. Wow girls, amazing how time flies.Thanks a bunch!!!
    We should all harness whatever time we have free and do the best work we can..... I'm sure the best is yet to come! : )

    p.s. As usual life side tracked me but also inspired me, I supose that is what living is all about : ) Happy Paint Party Friday....Looking forward to next week's Anniversary.
    Annabelle ; )

  19. Happy PPF!! So happy to know I'm not the only one with no goals :)

    Happy creating!!

  20. I'm a very scheduled kind of person so PPF helps keep me on track for Fridays! Thanks for hosting.

  21. i love PPF! thanks so much for doing this and thank you to everyone for making it so much easier to visit by disabling the WV!! happy weekend!!

  22. Last year at this time I started my blog and had been inspired by Carol Marine of Daily Paintworks to do a painting a day. Since I do better in company than alone, I had started going to my local studio,Mainstreet Art Center in Lake Zurich, IL. But as the year progressed, I found that posting a painting every day to 4 different sites was just overwhelming. I was not only posting to my own blog but three sites with Contemporary Fine Arts International. By November I was posting two or three times a week. Then the holidays! I was posting even less between December first and the end of January. I finally feel like I am getting back into the swing of things and am having new inspirations. I have learned that you have to go at the speed that is healthiest and happiest for you as an individual. It should be an enjoyable endevor, not a race.

  23. Had so much fun last week seeing all the talent here and receiving so many kind comments. Considering I wasn't even painting this time last year, I am feeling on track! Happy Paint Party Friday!

  24. I've been trying to stretch myself to pay better attention to details and i feel like i've spent more time on that this year than i have in the past so, in that sense, i suppose i'm on track. I haven't been able to spend as much time on it as i would like, but i'm happy to find time when i can. paint party friday has really helped me to make sure that i don't just step away altogether. thank you for that!

  25. I wanted to add that I owe this website a debt of gratitude.After blogging for several years I have built up enough friends/followers to maybe get 2 comments on average to every post I make. While i REALLY appreciate these faithful friends, it is heart warming to post my link here and have so many nice people say nice things about my work. I always try to comment on a good dozen or two blogs every weekend using this page; this list as my launch off place.
    thank you all so much. and I sold a painting last night.! WOOHOOO!!!!

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  26. Thanks for hosting PPF. I am looking forward to visiting everyone after I get off work today.

  27. Wow a whole year next week! Typically I'll have no internet access next week but I wish you a very happy party! Well done both of you for the wonderful achievement of having run this successful challenge for a year.

    With regards the poll... perfect poll for me because I haven't done any painting for a long time. But this week I did and have just posted about it :-)

    Kat X

  28. Happ PPF everyone!
    I don't have any painting goals..i create for pure love and exploring my journey at the divine pace of my soul!
    Wishing you all a magical wkd!

  29. Oh how I've missed checking in here and seeing everyone's creativity! It's been a month since I've blogged or painted. I'm so thankful for this community--there are so many encouraging people here!

  30. Happy PPF!! I can hardly believe it is March already either!! Time sure does fly! I don't really have any specific painting goals for myself although I have to say that being part of this great party does motivate me to paint at least once a week! :)

  31. Happy PPF to you! Thank you for hosting, it inspires me to create. Out of all the minutes in a day/week you think it would be easy for an artist to do what she was created to do?! Have a beautiful creative weekend!

  32. Thank you for hosting, it motivates me to create too. I've gotten off track on my goals but I hope to get back on course! love this community!

  33. hello everyone! I'm getting a bit of a late start this week but LOVE PPF and just couldn't let it slip by without taking part! Happy painting everyone....

  34. Hey there--this is my first time on Paint Party Friday. Looking forward to sitting back with my coffee and seeing what everyone's created.

  35. I just want to try everything and get
    I would love to finish some art, but I always want to make new!!!

  36. happy PPF to everyone! I almost forgot!! gah!!! are any of you doing the April A to Z challenge besides me?

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  37. I'm a little late, but better late than never and I couldn't miss the year anniversary PPF. Have a great weekend everyone and I will be visiting you all soon! Thanks to Kristin and are the best!

  38. Congrats on your anniversary! Thanks so much for hosting. I've discovered so many wonderful artists here!
