
Friday, October 21, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 32 Check In

image created at dumpr

Welcome to Week 32 at Paint Party Friday! So great to have you all at the party, showing off your painting and visiting with the rest of us PPFers!

Last week there was a great discussion at the party about framing - until the poll died temporarily. Everything seems fine now. (We are sorry - it was beyond our control and ability to fix it - we're so relieved it came back!) While you could, you told us that you use a number of different techniques for framing or that you paint the edges so framing may not be necessary. A number of you mentioned that buyers often want to make the framing decision themselves, and that made us think it would be worth looking at painting from a buyer's perspective, as we've spent the past few weeks looking at it from a seller/creator's perspective.

So we wonder about the paintings you buy - this week we'll ask about where you buy and soon we'll discuss why you buy what you buy. The answers are interesting in and of themselves but we hope they also may help those of us who wish to sell art, to understand buyers' decision making processes.

Please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

Hope you have a great time at the party!

P.S. We've had a number of people raise the issue of Blogger commenting and the time it takes to fill out all those annoying "captcha"s aka word verifications. As you probably know (haha) Kristin and EVA are not techies or programming whizzes and are trying our best in our technological naiveté to manage PPF and keep all the players happy. Kristin and PPF eliminated all blogger moderation and word verification. So far - no problems! You may want to try taking off the word verification and just delete any questionable comments if they happen. (Or you may prefer to do as EVA does and still moderate (approve) comments without using word verification but people sometimes get confused then as to whether their comments went through. Not a perfect system either.)

It is also important to allow "anyone" to comment as some of our players have their own websites and do not use google id, blogger, wordpress etc and they want to comment but can not! (This would help everyone to visit you.)

The decision is ultimately yours and we want you all to be comfortable no matter how you decide to manage your comment settings.  We just thought it was worth mentioning since we've received so many comments and emails regarding this subject.

Some PPFers also love to reply to your comments but can't - Geri has eloquently explained here how to change that so people can reply directly to the comments you leave them.

We understand Blogger is changing everything on us soon so there may be more things like this to chat about as most of us (using Blogger) adapt to these changes next month. Let's try and help each other out and make it easy to visit, socialize and spend time together. Thanks everyone!!


  1. down with word ver :)
    i approve comments to weed out the spam and snark, but you should never have to fill out a captcha at my site.
    allowing anonymous comments is important because from time to time we've all been "locked out" of blogger - but still wanted to comment on our favorite blogs.

  2. Hi, I will answer the question of buying art first. I buy from friends and artist that I have met through groups here, on Ebay and Etsy. I hope you never have to fill out a verification word on my blog, I think I have it set so you do not have too. I do have trouble sometimes with blogs that have lots of pictures and music as my old computer will sometimes not get them loaded.

  3. Thanks for the link on the no-reply blogger article I wrote. I hope everyone corrects that so we can all respond easily to one another. Happy PPF!

  4. As far as buying art, I think the first place I would go would be Etsy. I enjoy not only the work of art, but also knowing a little bit about the artist through blogging. Not sure what the upcoming changes are with Blogger, but I've turned off the word verification on my blog some time ago. I welcome and appreciate comments. Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh dear, it appears my #13 link went to the wrong post...I tried to delete it but no luck. #15 is my current link. Sorry, hope you can correct my mistake!

  6. This week, I just made an art journal page for PPF. Not a big painting. It's sooo busy at the hospital right now. Hugs. Nathalie

  7. I love browsing the art stall on the street when travelling - there are some amazingly talented artists just eking out a living. Other than a few pieces we've bought that way most of the art on our walls is currently mine!
    I agree with the blogger comments thing - for some reason I can't comment on all of the blogs from my work pc and then I don't get a chance later on and I sometimes have typed the whole comment out before being told it won't accept it - very frustrating although I don't know if that's more to do with the settings on that pc rather than blogger itself?

  8. Happy PPF!
    Yes, Blogger has issues lately and it does help if we all leave our word verification on off.
    I just signed up tonight so I will post a piece of art for you all to see..

  9. I buy art from up and coming artists and the good work they produce too.
    As for comments, I wished it will be seamless...have a good weekend!!

  10. Thanks so much for hosting PPF again!
    Wrote about PPF more in-depth on my Wednesday blog post encouraging others to join in the fun and creativity! :)

    Thanks, too, for the link to Geri's no-reply blogger article. This was so clear and easy to understand (as I had been confused before about this) and will help me correct that!

    Happy PPF!!
    Mary C. Nasser Art Blog

  11. Thanks for another fun week of art blog hopping to see what everyone's been up to! Happy PPF! POP ART MINIS

  12. Hi, am glad to be back with PPF after my holiday. I like to buy art from the artist whether its from their gallery or on the street. Last week I had a painting made especially for me in Portugal and if I get the chance to photograph it I will put it on my blog so you can all see it. Totally agree about turning word verification off, makes such a difference when there are so many to visit. Annette x

  13. Thanks for the tips on making it more user friendly... have had such a great experience with PPF in the last few weeks and really look forward to catching up on what everyone is doing... as to buying art - I have bought in all the formats listed above, though I love buying direct from the artist where possible xx

  14. Hi everyone. I turned of my word verification thing-a-ma-bob months ago and haven't had one piece of spam. Blogger have improved their spam filters so very few get through.
    What you can do is set moderation on older posts as I've found in the past that these are where the spam appears - most oddly!
    I met an artist via blogging and loved her work. So when I was on holiday and near her studio I popped in to see her and made a purchase. I've also bought direct from artists online and craft markets. I must say, I do really like the opportunity of having a chat with the artist and learning more about the evolution of the painting.

  15. I shall return later today to post a better comment ...for now Happy PPF !

  16. Happy PPF! I buy art from thrift stores the most. I might find a great frame and ditch the ugly picture or find a great art piece and redo the frame by painting it. I like to use old frames in interesting ways,too.

  17. thankyou for hosting PPF again this week, I removed word verification, i hope no one has troubles with mine, I think they may have though now that you mention it.I hate word verification (strong word I know) but I do,, its difficult for me because of my vision and some blogs I skip because I just have trouble.I have had no problems since I removed it,, I still moderate though.

  18. Thanks for the fun of PPF and hosting ~ If world were a totally honorable and honest place you wouldn't have to post extra info ~ have a great weekend ~ namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  19. I rarely buy art since every wall of my house has one of my own paintings or several. As for the commenting, I was able to comment on 80 of the blogs (and received 36 comments). Plus I use the Open ID, so I have to type in my wordpress blog name. I do not have word verification, but I do approve each comment. I do not work outside the home so I took the time to do this commenting. It took forever because I have an old computer that doesn't handle music or videos well on the blogs I visit. It was worth the time to me because there is so much variety here. Like an art gallery.

  20. how fantastic that you are addressing this issue here! YOU ROCK!!!

    I buy art from other artists that I have met. It is personal and beautiful.

  21. I think I better go double check the commenting on my blogs; I know a few people have told me that they couldn't comment on one or the other at times. I hate the capchas too.

  22. Thanks again for hosting another great Paint Party Friday. I realized when I was voting that I do tend to buy directly from the artist at art shows. I guess there is something about the atmosphere that gets me in the mood.

  23. Hi! I found your blog through another blogger who suggested I link up. Love this site!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  24. I buy art the way I shop, something intrigues me and that's it!

  25. I usually buy art from friends online or from local art fairs.

  26. I'm glad you brought up the issue with commenting, there are some blogs I want to comment on but can't because I don't use google ID.

  27. I buy art from car boot sales! Really heppy to be here.

  28. we like to buy a painting when we visit special places/countries. I also like to support fellow artists. My husband buys from galleries. He loves looking through the magazine, American Art, which is gorgeous and offers a wide range of styles. We really don't have much wall space left!!!

  29. If I could, I would have a "gallery" space in my house with proper lighting and a hanging system they make to change paintings around!
    How about a glass skylite too!!!!!!!!!!

  30. I buy art from fairs and shows, especially those of local artists and friends, and occasionally I'll pop into someone's Etsy Shop and be tempted to buy something, but haven't just yet.

    Happy PPF, chicas! It's good to be back.

  31. Hi all. I will be visiting your blogs soon. My modem was down and I only had my Kindle and couldn't really go from blog to blog. I'm up and running, all it needed was the connector and I'll spend time today and tomorrow visiting you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  32. I mostly buy from etsy - or from a friend. We also have collected some signed and numbered prints from famous painters when we are simply captured. I also receive art as gifts from all sorts of folks!

  33. this is my first time linking to this site so hopefully i've got all the settings correct! thanks for providing such a great forum.

    and i've bought art from almost all of the places you listed in your survey except the department/chain stores. art from chain stores is too impersonal for me. great question!

  34. I turned off mine a year ago and have not had one problem! I prefer to not have to type it in so I can spend more time getting to everyone's blogs and commenting!

    I like to support my friends, and bloggy friends, if I can. My funds are limited. I don't every buy art from chain stores. I want to support the artist!

  35. oh one more little thing. Some of us (I admit it) are cruising the web at work. NOthing is more embarrassing than to be on someone's website writing in a happy comment about art work when suddenly MUSIC (or someone's voice!) starts up... I know you love your music, and sometimes I even like it too. But it slows down the party! and I usually leave your site in a jiffy because I am so embarrassed.

  36. Favorite buying is on studio tours!

  37. My first time linking in with Paint Party Friday and hesitated only because my medium is mostly fabric and thread...but it CAN be considered a way. And, I often add paint as a finishing touch. And...I paint (or dye, or surface design) most of the fabrics I use. I qualify?!?
