
Friday, September 9, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 26 Check In

Welcome to Week 26 of Paint Party Friday! The half-year mark - how the heck did that happen already? We are delighted to have so many regular paint players and new participants every week. The talent in this group leaves us in awe. It sounded like a busy long weekend for most of you - seeing friends, soaking up the last of summer, refocusing with the kids back in school - and a little bit of painting!

And here in the Northeast (EVA is in Ottawa and Kristin in Buffalo) there are already signs of leaves changing colour and falling. Which makes us wonder about your plans and goals for Autumn?

Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.

Have a fun time at Paint Party Friday!


  1. no signs of autumn here :( still soooo hot.

    although... the kids are back in school!


  2. Hot here too! I'm happy to be linking in early. It's almost like I'm on Italy time!!

  3. Actually it's Spring time for us 'down south', but I am heading to the US in a couple of weeks so I'll get to enjoy some Fall as well. :)

  4. Its whispering Fall here as well, louder everyday!

  5. Well, not that you'd notice much difference (summer rain/autumn rain!!) it's definitely colder here and the nights are drawing in - making me excited for Christmas already!

  6. Love the leaves - I have been painting leaves and pondering about autumn, too! The first leaves are changing colour here, and it is really chilly. Valerie

  7. Spring here too, but today I'd swear no one told mother nature, it's chillier than our winter & raining - perfect weather to visit fellow partiers ;)

  8. thanks for the blog. I love fridays, :)


  9. Autumn is definitely showing signs here in the UK, but the weather is unpredictable at the moment, so its a day at a time. Have a great weekend everyone. xx

  10. Well, I want to do it all. Just hope I can manage everything. :) Autumn is showing its colors in Europe as well. :)

  11. New England has had 4 days of rain ~ Hopefully the sun will come out today ~ No leaves turning yet ~ HappY PPF ~ namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  12. It's been raining here for days after a drought period. So when it rains it pours and when it's dry it's dry. Fall is in the air though.

  13. Holy Moly! Happy Half-Year Anniversary. I cannot believe it has been six months. Time does really fly! Happy Friday!

  14. Love the Fall colors. We are having a straggling summer, no leaves turning yet. I'm picturing a gecko riding on one when they do though!Happy PPF!

  15. Starting to feel like Autumn here in Ohio, and just beginning to look like it. Woke up to a misty morning here... Can't wait to see what everyone's created this week!

  16. My plan for Fall is to enjoy every cool minute of it! Happy PPF!

  17. In Texas where I live it is hard to notice fall arriving. We are still in the heat and drought conditions in my South Texas area but this week temps dropped to a high of 90's and lows in 70's but I heard the sound of autumn arriving. Wind rustling drying leaves on the trees. And I smell the scent of mornings emitted from the cooler nights. Love you at Paint Party Friday! Thanks!

  18. Nice autumn banner you did today. I've no goals, just waiting to see where fall takes me and feeling wary of the upcoming winter!

  19. Looking forward to a bit cooler weather! Fall is definitely my fave time of year! Happy PPF! POP ART MINIS

  20. It's still pretty warm here in the desert foot hills though it is cooler than a couple of weeks ago and we're lucky to have had a bit of rain. Mostly I just plan to paint as much as I can and try to get things organized around here!

  21. It's a little darker in the morning and still pretty hot over here. I'm definitely looking forward to the coming weeks for cool off. Enjoy the weekend everyone and on Sunday let's say our prayers for everyone in remembrance. Take care and e well. Loving PPF and thanks Eva and kristin.

  22. A few colours I see from my window but essentially been too busy to enjoy the outdoors with the exception of doing regular garden work which becomes quite pleasurable in face of our routine summer renos we've been preoccupied with indoors. Love the party and missed it, thanks girls. Will be visiting everyone this weekend (Friday night and on) in between work...have a lovely fall weekend...enjoy!

    Annabelle : )

  23. I can "smell" fall in the air in northern CA. The colors and light is different. I always enjoy the changes in the seasons! My favorite things are the colors of the trees. Orange,red,yellow and they glow!!! Even the sky is a brighter blue!

  24. The nights are getting cooler, and very soon I will have to shut my studio window (which bums me out,but at least will mean fewer tiny bugs being blown by the fan into my wet paint).

  25. I plan to visit every artists post this week ! i love Paint party Friday !!!

  26. I'm hoping to do much more painting and to work in my art journal(s) more. How wonderful to think of Spring just starting, for those of you in the southern hemisphere.

  27. I'm trying to get ready for the holidays but of course I'll be painting away!

  28. The leaves are beautiful. Fall is my favorite season, and I hope for a lot of inspiration. Usually it is a very creative time for me.

  29. I love fall, but I'm not quite ready to leave summer.

  30. summer started late here, i'm not ready to give it up yet. thought i'd join in today, i don't usually have a painting but just finished a painting with paper.

  31. It finally rained today!!!!! A slow gentle rain all day long...I'm doing a happy dance :)

  32. Better late than never. Have a lovely week. Its been hot here, so not fun with the air conditioner broke & probably won't fix it until late next spring. lol so wanting fall!!

  33. What a great way to end the week!

  34. Spring has sprung here and I'm looking forward to getting outside and splashing some paint around, not to mention joining in some more Paint Party Fridays. I've missed all this as life has dragged me away kicking and screaming. I have something to offer this week, though, so I'm really happy.

    (seasonally affected)

  35. Eva thanks for letting me know the link was broken here; don't know what happened tho the net has been wonky sometimes lately. I've relisted it now.

  36. Well, better late than never! Being the half year mark, just couldn't let the chance pass me by. Congrats girls!

  37. Thanks for hosting. TGIF. Have a nice weekend.
