
Friday, June 24, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 15 Check-in - Seasons

Welcome to the first of the Summer editions  (or Winter - for our players in the Southern hemisphere) of Paint Party Friday! It is great to have you here!

Last week we talked about challenges, prompts and themes. Thanks for all the great ideas! We haven't had much time this week to update the page we created to help with inspiration and motivation - but we've started. Meanwhile, if you think of others, please email us or mention them in the comments. Most of you use prompts etc when one compels you, though a good number of you have never met a challenge or prompt that you didn't like! In the comments a number of you said "PPF is all the challenge I need." Wow!! Thank you SO much! We are thrilled PPF is helping you paint more!

This week, our thoughts turn to the changing seasons. Summer is here - Yay!! And that makes us wonder if the seasons affect your painting productivity? Tell us more in the comments about what season works best for you and why!

If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Hope the new season is treating you well and that you have a fun time at the party!


  1. I have to say that since the inception of PPF, I have never painted so much. You guys give me something to look forward to each week! Thank you so much!

  2. I paint most in Winter because in spring and summer, the nice weather keeps calling me outside.

  3. I am sorry, I will link the right way next time. I did it too fast without reading your request first.

    I have been making art for over a year now and seem to do it year round.... I would think winter would be more productive living in the NW like I do, but I love art too much and want to keep learning. PPF is a great inspiration. Themes could be fun, also I find painting to be a theme in and of itself.

    Happy PPF!

  4. I love to paint in the fall and winter. I feel alive during those seasons. Right now it is the hardest time of year for me to paint but with PPF I too have found more inspiration in painting. Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. I paint all year round - mind you there is only one season in Ireland - wet and miserable with varying degrees of cold!!

  6. Hi all, I find it harder to grab hours of time in the summer with the hot weather, kiddo home to entertain & travel. But mainly because I don't sleep well with the heat, which makes me feel not rested & hard to keep those creative juices flowing. I am trying to get a journal page in here or there, but as far as canvas or other we'll see. Theresa

  7. I paint all year long, also, but typically I can focus on getting some real major painting in the summer since it is my time off from teaching. This year, my spring has been the most productive because I challenged myself to produce more and this summer has been too busy. but summer has only just begun. PPF is helping me to be motivated now. Thanks!

  8. A beautiful tree with a great design.

  9. I have just recently committed to painting again. Had a long, long seasonal dry spell, but for now, my paint can over-flowith!

  10. I don't seem to paint acording to seasons. :)) I have my dry spells and inspirational periods. But I haven't noticed if they are sesional. I'll have to check the next time it happens to see if there is a connection. :))

  11. I love prompts and challenges and I am very glad that PPF exists:)As for which seasons do I paint more.. I would say it's up to me. If I feel it, will paint. I paint on sunny days, rainy or any day for that matter as long as I allow my creative self to immerse into this painting process. It's been raining for 1 week now and guess what, I've never been more productive. :)


  12. I paint when the inspiration hits me. But I think I do find myself out on the porch sweating in the summer sun painting the most. Maybe for the light!!

  13. It does not seem to have much qe see the time of year, but your inner state ... I usually find more ideas in Spring Greetings to all ....

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. At the moment I paint every day because I have art homework assignments and like to paint whatever I fancy also. Because am still a beginner it has to be practice practice practice.....which I love. Thank you PPF for opening my eyes to so many forms of art.

  16. In winter I put on scented candles (cinnamon or anything sweet, like vanilla mixed with fruit) and the cool air makes me want to open up my windows and paint! (I live in South Florida, where it doesn't get THAT cold.)

    Also, Art Basel rolls around every December and all the satellite fairs and events around town inspire me as well.

    Wishing you a happy PPF!! Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Yay HI Everyone...Happy PPF!
    Painting for me is like breathing..I paint all the time. ..all year long. I live in an old old vintage house..and even in the dead winter when it is super cold ( and in Canada..cold is cold!)I wear gloves and a hat in the studio ..nothing will stop me! In summer if it is too humid..then i take my painting elsewhere or outside too. I love has become part of me and my existence!

    I Love really is rewarding to meet fellow creatives. Up until last year...the only people who ever saw my art were those in my area/where I live and friends and family and those in my local workshops I do.......everyone kept asking me to have a site or blog...I was reluctant...but then I did......and couldn't believe how wonderful it was connecting with other artists who are just like me.

    before was my hidden world..and I never felt alone or anything...I loved being alone in my creative world.....but I never truly knew what i was missing out on ...sharing with other creatives and exploring that wonderful kindredness we all share being passionate about art! It has been such a gift meeting you all!

    I have always been a Solitary kind of soul...and now meeting artists here and online has made my passion for painting a shared-experience and a richer deeper experience....and I didnt realize how connected we all are and how similar we all are through creating art!

    So blogging and creative sites like Eva's/Kristsin's has really sparked a love for a sense of community/connecting with other creatives( something that was so foreign to me) and the path and journey we all walk is beautiful..inspiring..and amazing..I enjoy and appreciate every fellow artist I meet and it has really blessed me!

    so..PPF...allows me to share more often and connect more with helped my reclusive side/ hermit-like tendencies shift a bit..which is great! so meeting others here has been beautiful!!

    Happy Summer to all or winter...and have a magical day!

  18. It is sooooo hot here in Texas from May to October that my painting seems to drop off. I love FALL and when I feel happier I paint and create more. I am delighted how PPF has challenged me to try and create at least once a week and hope it will open up a more productive summer for this girl who longs for rain and cooler days!

  19. I voted for winter as I paint on my breaks from work and in winter I don't feel such a need to get out and walk competing with the the need to paint. I'm off to work now instead of what I want to do, which is read everyone's remarks and see their posts,... such is life(for now at least.)

  20. I like summer best because I can paint outside, but really it doesn't affect how much I paint. Mainly I paint on the weekends anyway ( and a little after work if there's time!) so it mainly just depends if we go anywhere or not. If we stay home then I can paint all I want!

  21. Winter, spring, summer and fall...alll you got to do is call...oops that's a song but it fits. I paint whenever the muse hits me, which is any season at all! Now off to see all the PPF art! :-)

  22. I think I paint for Paint Party and the other challenges. Otherwise any season's good for me.

  23. Painting is always good. Painting, crafting, being creative, are things that have no season for me, they are things that make me happx any time of the year! Happy PPF ou all! Valerie

  24. I really love to paint and draw all year. I try to draw everyday...I definitely feel most creative in fall, my favorite season of them ALL!
    happy friday!

  25. Thanks for hosting another PPF! Snuck in this Friday. All seasons work for me - living in southeast Florida equals Hot or Hotter time of year;) It is motivating for me to look forward to posting something for blog parties.

  26. please check out todays post and check back for a voting number...I now will have time to get back in the game and view all of your great work after this weekend...please don't think I'm ignoring all of you. This project was all consuming and worth it!
    cheers, dana

  27. I too love in Canada and the seasons are so pronounced,, I love winter, Happy Paint Party Friday, I love PPF too!

  28. I paint year round also, but i must say, these friday posts have kept me very motivated.

  29. I love painting summer, I do more sunny pieces...cannot wait for fall and winter though...I love painting around holidays as well.

  30. I seem to be more productive in the Winter. I'm not sure why that is. But I love to paint all year round. I think in the Winter I just FINISH the paintings I've started throughout the year. ;)

  31. I seem to paint more summer because I love the colors of nature. I tend to paint on the bright side. I have no idea why. I enjoy the beauty of all the seasons and think when fall and winter come, I will try some new art!
    I love PPF!

  32. Spring, Summer, autumn, are all good months for me. THe changing colors, the additional light all make me want to paint. Unfortunately, with summer comes more activities so for example, this weekend I won't have time to paint at all, I'll be on a bicycle riding in the mountains.

  33. I paint all the time.....summer is a good time to paint outdoors so I tend to do the really MESSY projects at this time of year. Thanks for another week at PPF!

  34. I paint all year long, but during the summer months I can paint with the windows open, or paint outside comfortably, and that's just like heaven! Happy PPF! Can't wait to see and read all the posts!

  35. I forgot to say that I love your Season's tree. Very nice.

  36. I notice I've been painting less lately because I've been so fascinated learning new photoshop techniques and geeky tutorials for blog design! But I did manage to get a painting of Princess Diana finished (her 50th birthday would have been July 1st).

  37. HEre in Texas we have good weather almost year round except when it gets too hot, but even then the beach calls my name. So, seasons do affect my productivity. In winter or rainy season when I am stuck inside, I paint much more.

  38. Historically I've always painted more in the fall and winter. I think because my birthday is in late august I often feel a sense of new beginnings then. But this year is different. I've been writing and painting consistently for almost 10 months straight. Which is slightly huge. So hopefully I'm developing habits beyond the seasons.
    Fingers crossed!

  39. since painting is only part of the art i do, it takes turns with all the other techniques all year long :) I have really been enjoying everyone's arts!

  40. ****"Paint Party Friday"****

    It looks awesome!


  41. I think this is so wonderful I certainly Hope to share my painted works more often too'''
    Hi Everyone!
