
Friday, June 10, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 13 Check-In - Honouring The Muse

Welcome to this week's Paint Party Friday! It's wonderful to have you here for PPF, especially as the weather in the north tempts many of us away from our paints and into the long awaited sunshine.

Last week we talked about your creative process and how you start your art.  Paint Party Friday players (PPFers) are a versatile (and talented) group! You have either tried everything or you fly by the seat of your pants - which some might say involves trying ANYthing.

In your comments and posts, the underlying theme of the Muse keeps arising. Otherwise known as - the little spirit (as NatashaMay described), the divine, the voices, my invisible friend as SunshineShelle created or Creation (who Victoria Pettella says owns her) - the Muse seems to hang out with PPFers.

We thought this might be fun to play with this idea and explore it further....   (For the sake of ease, we are using the term "Muse" but please think of this in terms meaningful to you.)   This week we have two polls on that theme. One short one:

One a bit longer:

We look forward to your comments in more detail - in our comments section below or on your own post today or in the near future. (We know that many of you have everything ready to go for the strike of midnight and will only read this after your post is written.)

BTW, if you have ever painted or wanted to paint your Muse, we would love to see what you have painted or will create!

And finally - the check-in! If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins. Please make sure to use your post URL address versus your blog URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website.

Party On, PPFers!!! (Sorry - a little channelling of our inner Wayne and Garth there...)


  1. What a great topic....I can say that I have more than one muse...some I actually talk to and interact with daily....and others are far away...and I do all the talking....

    This weekend I plan on getting back into the groove of things....and gaining some much needed focus....and some renewal....

  2. My muse has been AWOL lately. If you see that hussy, tell her I'm waiting.

  3. My Muse is invisible but always nearby. Sometimes I think she takes a short vacation but she's usually with me. She talks to me as I begin to sketch or paint. I don't always listen and that's when we start to have problems. She won't be ignored. I've learned to at least let her have her say. ;)

  4. My muse I would have to say is the spirit of my father and grandmother, both artists (watercolorist) who have passed on. I feel them the most when I paint.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I suppose i don't have a muse. i create things that are compilations of my perceptions and impressions of the things i've been exposed to in any period of time.
    that basically makes NO Sense.

    i'm at peace with that.

    rock on, sistahs...

  7. I think I'm having problems with comments again. I tried once and it didn't take. Here I go again. I don't think I have a muse, never really gave that thought. I'm fine with that as well. Have a great Friday and peace.

  8. @Roban Studio - I am so sorry, Rhonda! We love prompts and challenges but we weren't sure anyone wanted PPF to be that. As you said - sometimes the Muse needs that and what comes out is AMAZING! My own efforts this week are in response to a challenge and we love discovering new challenges and prompts through PPF players posts.

  9. BTW - I edited a paragraph as a result of feedback above and I have a question for you (or to be asked next week) - Would you like to see PPF do prompts and challenges?

  10. my muse lives in my minds eye and creates the most beautiful paintings that transfer to canvas,

  11. I don't think I have a muse in what i understand to be the traditional sense of the word although I would say, given how much they feature, my two dogs are my muses and all dogs in particular I suppose are what drives a lot of my art work on. That and George Seurat (can an old artist be a muse or would he just be an inspiration?)

  12. I love this! :) Thank you for mentioning my little spirit. :) I had to think about what to check in the second poll. :) My little spirit is invisible but present but it's also different for every painting cause I think of it more as a feeling that an actual character.

  13. My muse is my mood when I start to paint .... Greetings to all and happy PPF

  14. My muse is always ready to paint or craft or sing with me. She just starts to swear and get the grumps when I think I should do a bit of h*******k! Valerie

  15. I don't think I have a Muse yet. I love to paint and draw and just go with the flow, never knowing how it will turn out, challenging Annette x

  16. My Muse is a most fickle creature. She comes and goes as she wills. When she's around then wonderful things happen. She doesn't talk, she's just there, supporting me in the background and does something to make ideas flow in an extra special way.

    In terms of challenges and prompts, I would say stick with PPF as it is. There are so many other challenge sites out there, it's nice to have one where we can come along with whatever we've painted rather than having to focus on one particular topic - no matter how broad. My Muse certainly likes this approach. Sometimes I just love to paint and see what comes out.

    No challenges please!

  17. My muse usually shows me a dream or a vision in my head and I know I am supposed to create it!! This is my first time on PPF and I am looking forward to it.

  18. I don't really have a muse, I don't think. I'm fine with not having a challenge or a prompt, but it's whatever the majority think.

  19. I would say my muses come more in the form of animal spirits or totems or even people spirit helpers ( angels? ). Sometimes they actually come right into the painting itself unexpectedly like the blue bird that flew into my two deers kissing petroglyph painting!That usually happens when I let the watercolors do whatever they want and not try to control them. Buts its hard for me to do that because I really like control with lots of tiny detail. So I try to balance that by making controlled outlines and objects but letting the watercolors do what they want in the fill in areas or backgrounds. Thanks for such an interesting topic!

  20. Look at that!!! Thanks so much, I'm EXTREMELY chuffed at you guys linking me :) and my invisible friends are ALL trying to say they are my 'favourite' muse, but I told them all to go to bed as I didn't need them tonight, I would drink my wine & eat dinner with my VISIBLE darlings by the fireside... sometimes they are all shouting at once, lucky I keep pencil & sketchbook handy incase one of them whispers something worthwhile for me to action... then there's other times I have to search high & low for one of them to come & inspire me !!

  21. My muse is a little voice that inspires the voice of the divine...only naughtier. lol That's the best way I can describe it...although my drawings and paintings are not naughty, for the most part. :)

    Great topic! I wish you a HPPF!! Love to see you back week after week. You two are amazing!

    PS - I'm buying "The Artist's Way" later today to join Paula from Argentina's group if anyone else is interested. Should be fun!

  22. I never called it "my muse", but it's there when it wants to be and I am worthy of the visit. Sometimes if I call upon it, it will come. I can't really see it, but I can feel it. I can look at the same piece for weeks and not see which direction I need to go in and then all of a sudden it is very clear to me how I should proceed. It's not a her or a him all the time and that doesn't matter. I LOVE when I have it, but so much chases it away ...
    thx Eva & Kristin for PPF 13! :)

  23. If I have a muse, it is the voice of my own spirit making itself heard. When I can hear it and listen, the art feels natural. I don't really think of it as a muse, it is just my own true self, but I suppose that it serves the same function.

    I love challenges but I already participate in several. I like having a place to share whatever I painted during the week, no matter what the theme or topic. I like seeing the larger variety when everyone is not working with the same theme. I love to see what everyone is interested in at the moment. PPF is different (and my favorite) for that reason. I'd rather not have a challenge or prompt for PPF.

  24. I can't think of a muse that I have, but I have certain conditions that make creating a work easier, like quiet time, walks in the woods, dreaming. Mostly, I think life is the muse and I have to foster conditions that let the ideas rise to the surface where I can access them and turn them into something visual.

  25. Oh please don't change PPF. I have spent years basically creating in response to a challenge for a living, and it's so nice to have a place where I can just see the wildly different things we have all been up to. It's like a great virtual Open Studio Day here, and I love it.

  26. The polls are not showing up for me to check on, guess there are still some glitches with Blogger. As far as a muse I am not sure I have one that is tangible to me, sometimes I will be driving down the road of just drifting off to sleep and the vision of a painting or other artistic endeavor will enter my mind and then I will begin in my mind to create the steps needed to complete the image. If that is a muse then that is mine, the thoughts from nowhere that invade my mind.

  27. My kids are often my muses. I have painted all three of them at different points in time and in different styles. Faces in general inspire me. I love looking at people.
    I like the idea of painting my muse....hmmmm...have to give it some thought. Something tells me she is a little out there. :o)

  28. all things come into play when i think of my's all or nothing sometimes. Thoughts pop into my head...and can take me for weeks on end with illustration coming from another.
    for example, madeline, she loves to travel, so i may create her in paris, then i may show some books she's reading, or the like...
    there are lots of ideas up here in this creative brain...just not enough time
    have a great day!
    i do try to visit everyone - it does take me all week, though! xo

  29. My Muse is everyday life, and then when that happens, I place my crows into the situation. Have a great day!

  30. Hi Everyone Happy PPf!

    Wonderful topic...hmm..i dont think I have a muse at all..(I am not sure what one is)

    But what I do feel for that ...that "creative essence"...that spark ignites..and swallows me up and spits me out..we are one..and in some ways..I am it's muse..does that make sense ha ha!?

    I feel i get swept away in creation..and it flows through and it can come through in any form and show itself in many forms..i think it is different for everyone..and changes in different times in our life as well..

    but for me it is more of an essence and energy that pours through me..I dont feel i have a muse. Creation flows..and i am part of that flow! I think of creating as an invisible beautiful energy that is always there and always awake..and we suddenly become awakened by it..we feel inspired....and it channels inspiration through us all in some way..whether through emotions..feelings..ideas or memories..even spiritually.. i think it can be many things and all things..whatever is most divine to you. It is all special in each of us!
    Great topic!!
    Happy Creating all!

    I am still having some bloggy probs visiting and commenting..( Just like you Gloria!!)..hope to visit and comment to you all..if not..bright sparkles and please know i tried..and thankyuo everon for always sharing your inspiring work!

    Have a magical wkd!

  31. I prefer PPF just the way it is. Any challenges or prompts may turn some away. Please just leave it as is, it's just wonderful, exciting and inspiring JUST THE WAY IT IS. :DDD I better sign off, have a doctor's appt. this morning, but I seen your question and did my input on the thought. Thanks, have a great day and weekend.

  32. My muse is what I see, hear, an idea that pops into my head! My muse has 2 personalities
    1. here is a great idea, lets get to work
    2. here is a great idea, I am going to take a nap
    Sometimes my muse makes me do new things(usually good)
    We laugh a lot!!!

  33. I also prefer PPF as it is! There are so many challenge sites available now. It's a treat just to create whatever we wish and post that here each week. I LOVE the diversity of the paintings and look forward to seeing what each person has done that week. That's what makes PPF so unique. Eva and Kristin, you two have done a wonderful job with this site. I say don't fix what's not broken. :)

  34. I agree - leave PPF as wide open - I love the variety and the randomness of what is shared.

    As for a muse - hmmmm, my spark comes and goes and when I try to "force" an idea or force myself to work on something, I usually end up feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with whatever I produce. But sometimes, the best times, everything clicks and I can do no wrong..... guess that's the muse reaching her hand in...

    By the way - lots of you must be east coasters since when I sign on at 7 or 8am, there are already over 40 links! As we all know, it's challenging to see/read everyone's work, but I love skimming through all the comments too and that really takes time! I rarely get through in one sitting, but I keep coming back because I don't want to miss even one....

    It's so fun to participate!

  35. this is a funny question and I will probably be an artsy "debbie downer". I hate the word "muse" and how people use it. It's as if people think there is some magical spirit that shows you what to paint or create. There is no magical spirit for art!! It's all about YOU and your thoughts and your experiences and what YOU choose to do. We all take our experiences, knowledge and feelings to express ourselves. Some days you feel more creative than others. I think a "muse" is just some cutesy term artists created. It's a word that really annoys me, lol! Sorry!

  36. I'm a Muse floosy. I My muse tends to be my culture, color, texture, and anything that catches my short attention span. :-)

  37. funny that the questions today were about muses. my cat, sunshine, that is in my painting is one of my muses!

  38. I have found that I am trusting my Muse more now...maybe because I'm creating more regularly , maybe because I have more confidence in my ability now....could be both?....but, I definately know there is something besides just loving to paint that fuels and dictates what I decide to depict and what ultimately appears :)

    There is a warmth almost, an excitement, when I'm able to switch off the day's obligations and tune into that inner voice that loves to indulge my need for some magic ;P

  39. Great question. I don't know about muses. I like how La Abela describes it as a creative mood. I'll have to think about it.

    I think PPF should stay as it is. It's great to be able to do whatever painting I'm inspired to work on during the week.

    Happy PPF everyone!

  40. I am happy I could contribute to PPF again. I see by some of the comments that people were remarking about the way PPF is set up. I think it is perfect the way it set theme is wonderful as soooo many challenges do restrict by demanding a set theme....this is great that we can display what we were working on during the week and see so many different subjects and styles of work.

  41. my muse is a part of me; my inner self. And she talks to me all the time, but more in the way of giving me an impulse to do something, rather than in words. Like an impulse to paint a certain picture, even sometimes an impulse to leave the house at a certain time (because there will be no traffic and all the lights will be green if I do) An impulse to go shopping at a certain time or place, because I'll hit the 4 hour sale AND have a coupon. With painting, more visual; what about this color, this layout, this lighting effect, using this reference photo....I just don't know where she's been while I'm working on the current pet portrait project!

  42. Well, i think everyone has a muse whether it is a real person or just something within. Mine always strikes in the middle of the night. So my dear husband often wonders where his wife has gone.

  43. My muse is not really a person or is more a place...places I have been, seen, or want to be...i love and have always been fascinated with the simple life...small town...etc...I am also inspired by places I have been or seen photos of...the people in my pieces are more there to show action and or scale...the scenery/buildings are the real subjects of my work. Color is also inspiring to me. I just bought a beautiful yellow paint from Jo Sonja...those are the paints I use...when I got it in the mail the other mind went crazy with ideas for it...autumn fields, yellow buildings out in the country...etc...great blog and I am so glad I found it :)

  44. OMG!!!! I was feeling sooooo left out then I just realised my link hadn't registered last night... so I've joined again LOL!! Happy PPF :)

  45. I don't think I have a muse, but I do like cultural symbolism - very inspired by greek and chinese characters, ancient masks, etc.

  46. I'm not sure if I have a muse, but I do get inspired...maybe the muse doesn't have to be a personality but a feeling??? Not sure what the rules are for participating, but I did paint a new piece on Friday, so decided to list hop in on the fun ♥
