
Friday, April 22, 2011

Paint Party Friday: Week 6 Check-in - Happy Easter!

It's our favorite time of the week... Another Paint Party Friday!  Welcome Painters - new and returning...  We can't wait to see what you have to share!

Last week it was great to see what inspires you and learn more about what you love to paint.  Most of you are inspired by many different sources. This makes our visits to each other even more exciting! This week we're interested in the "how"...

Whether you've been painting since you could hold a brush, or painting is your new found passion, we'd like to know how and where you've learned your techniques.  We hope you share your favorite books, tutorials and online classes in the comments section or in your blog post. This has become such a great place to learn more from each other!

(If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 check-ins.)

Happy Easter! This is a holiday weekend and many of us are either away, busy with family and religious celebrations, opening cottages, spring cleaning or catching up on our painting. Visits and commenting may be sporadic as a result. Let's make it a drop-in weekend party so visit when you can! Have fun at the party! Kristin made Easter peeps!


  1. Happy Easter everyone!

  2. I love that you have these polls, so fun to learn from one another. My answer would have been: just beginning to learn, if you had it to choose.

    Are you collecting information for a book?

  3. Happy Easter to all. I enjoy the polls. Thanks.

  4. Good to be here again! :) Having this weekly meeting makes me work on my painting. Thank you!
    I love the different images you put each week to illustrate the post.

  5. I agree with everyone - the polls are fun and great that you come up with something different each week - it is really interesting to see the inspiration and experience behind each artist at the party! Happy Easter!

  6. Happy Easter, Love those little peeps!!!

  7. What a great concept! Happy Easter.

  8. Hi there, my interest in art started from very young then when I was 10 I started to go to evening art classes with my mum. At first it was mainly because she wanted to go and didn't have a babysitter then it become obvious that I was just as interested in it as she was. I've attended other classes with my mum. She is very inspiring!
    Happy Easter :0)oxoxo

  9. Happy Easter everyone and loving the little peeps.

  10. How interesting that you should pose this question this week, when my very piece was almost a story of my art learning journey! I've written all about it on my post.

    Have a lovely Easter everyone. I'll get round you all eventually. Busy busy!!

  11. Hi all! It's my first time linking in, with a super simple recent painting at Kristin's encouragement. :)

  12. I started painting when a friend mentioned she'd always wanted to learn to draw, but then passed away before she was able to. I took a 6-week class and realized I enjoyed portraits, so that's why I focus on.

    Happy Easter!!

  13. Good Morning,
    I do agree, I enjoy the polls, too.
    One of my favorite watercolor books that i have learned so much from is
    "Painting with watercolor, pen and ink" by Claudia Nice
    I also take a class here and there, too! I am always trying to learn! thanks again for hosting this!

  14. Happy Easter All! The peeps are cute! Enjoy the polls too, but sometimes it's hard to select just one choice:)

  15. Love the poll! For me, it's All, all of the above. I went to the university but I was a rebel and wouldn't paint within the lines. So I quit. I used to burn twigs as a small child so I could have charcoal to draw with, without my parents knowledge of course. I guess I have to credit god for giving me the passion and need to create and all the wonderful artists I have known for giving me the inspiration.

  16. Love your PPF photo today.

    I remember that art was one of my favourite subjects in school although I consider that I'm largely self taught. When I was about 12 I wanted to do it for a living but my aunt convinced me that it was too competitive. So I focussed on math.

    Have a great Easter long weekend everyone!

  17. Happy Easter! I am mostly self taught but I have been greatly influenced by some of the wonderful artist and friends I have met blogging. It is always a pleasure to get to see the work of others and learn from them.

  18. Fridays have a whole new meaning since PPF!!! I did take a summer's worth of art lessons from a geltleman who had done restoration work on the Sistine Chapel (a very long time ago). Other than that, pretty much self taught but sprinkled with the inspiration of others and an occasional on-line course. Happy Easter all! Thx for YOUR inspiration!

  19. Another week and another fun party!

    We love these polls because it's a great way to learn more about all of you (We hadn't thought about a book, but we're certainly getting enough info for one! hee hee)

    We are so grateful for all of our returning painters and so excited to see new ones - Yippee!!!

  20. Good Morning Everyone! It is so wonderful to have a PPF that I actually plan on participating ALL DAY LONG! I have off of work for the holiday and have dedicated my day to myself and you lovely ladies (and gentlemen-not sure if we have and boys but don't want to leave them out.)

    I answered the poll as being largely self taught, but I should have said I go to the school of online classes. My favorites, Misty Mawn, Suzi Blu, Julie Prichard and Tam Laporte. I have learned so much from these lovely ladies, I should give them a huge shout out!

    Have a great Easter! or whatever you celebrate!

  21. Hello Everyone! I love looking forward to PPF! Ooh, this week's question...I am largely self-taught but must admit to being an online workshop junkie! ;)

    My favorite online teachers, who I'll take a class from in a minute, are Misty Mawn, Tam Laporte, Monica Zuniga and Sharon Tomlinson. Ooh, I'll have to check out one from Nelly that I hadn't heard of! Happy Easter everyone!

  22. Good morning everyone! This is my first PPF since week 3 -- I missed you guys!

    I'm mostly self taught -- I took one year of art in school between age 9 and now...And 3 weeks of an oil class that was a wee bit too lame to finish this spring. I just practice and practice and hope it ends up looking cool ;)

    Nice to be back!

  23. I am so glad I've joined PPF, it has kept me accountable. Art class was always my favorite while in school and I was always entering the poster contests and other things like that. But in High School when I was really getting into it, I was told I'd never make a living at it. They were probably right, but it put a big dent in my confidence.

    So instead of art school, like I wanted to attend, I ended up going to get a graphic design degree. I worked in the industry for years but it's just not the same as having that paintbrush, pen, pencil or pastel in your hand! Thankfully, now at this stage in my life I'm finally following my dreams to become an artist.

    Happy Good Friday and Easter everyone!

  24. Good morning from Ca!
    I posted a pastel painting done in 2004/5? I have not worked in pastels for a while and have discovered "pan pastels" which are creamy and NO CHAULK DUST! I recommend them.
    I posted a link for a Giveaway/giveto celebration. I hope you have time to leave a comment for a good cause and thank you!!!!

  25. Happy Easter Everyone!

    I'm a beginner painter and artist of many mediums. I love creating sculptures, mosaics, pyrography, stained glass and occasionally dally in poetry and writing. I adore cemeteries, old junk shops,old book stores, book sales, church sales, hunting for fossils in the wood....the sea, the clouds, the moon and stars and fairytales all play their part in my artistic inspirations..... including books new and old. And talking about books......

    At Christmas of this past year my two kids bought me a gift certificate from Indigo book stores and I bought some books I had listed in my wish they are, great for inspiration and instructions

    Pretty Little Things.....Sally Jean Alexander...stained glass etc pendants

    Rejuvenated Jewels Amy Hanna....old jewels into new

    Semiprecious Salvage Stephanie Lee....found art Jewellery

    A Charming Exchange...Kelly Snelling and Ruth Rae.....Jewellery projects

    Nature Inspired...Tracie Lyn Huskamp....mixed media techniques
    gathering, sketching,painting,journaling and assemblage

    Blogging for Bliss....Tara Fry..Crafting your own online journal

    Where Women Create Book of Inspiration.....Jo Packham and Jenny Doh

    Solder Sculpting and Beyond...Kay Bain Weiner....soldering techniques
    for stained glass and whatever else you wish to use it on.....

    So here you are, just a few of the books I like to keep near the side of my computer desk, couch, bed ,wherever I may be sitting down with my morning cup of coffee. Will share more next week as well as some online tutorials.

    Hope this gives you some guidance in your creativity!

    Annabelle ~^..^~ : )

  26. Hello and Happy Earth Day ! I really haven't been painting lately because I have been spending so much time out in the yard training our new dog.
    I love the polls and I love popping in to see what everyone is doing. I'll paint something and link up again soon.

  27. Happy Easter to all of you! I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend, and I will try to visit as many as possible.

  28. Happy Easter to you all from a newbie.Tom

  29. Happy Earth Day...
    I hope everyone has a happy Easter weekend.

  30. Yayyy I get so excited for Paint Party Friday every week now! Everyone has done such great stuff!

    I have a degree in Visual Arts. (But I was self taught for a few years before that as well.)

    Happy PPF (and Easter) everyone!

  31. Happy Paint Party Friday, happy Earth Day, happy weekend and happy Easter!

    Another great poll question! I am just beginning to paint and am self taught. I did take Lisa Congdon's and Mati McDonough's Get Your Paint on ecourse this winter.

    @Heather, thanks for the book recommendation, I'm going to see if I can find it.

  32. I love to paint with VIVID COLOR and am inspired by Georgia O'Keefe and Van Gogh!

    I hope that you will visit me!

    Happy Easter everyone and PPF!


  33. Hi Everyone! Looking forward to seeing everyones magic...I'll be away most of the wkd..and will pop in when i can or after the wkd!

    I am self-taught.....and totally love that my journey has been this way..I have always felt drawn inward..and love exploring my journey this way.

    I started painting.. i guess.. 6 years ago now..and never painted ever before in my life. ...and exploring this has been magical.

    I think whatever one's journey is ..whether that is self-taught or is absolutely perfect and divine and special however you explore your art, skills and creativity...

    Happy wkd to all and happy Creating..

  34. missed last week ;-( lots of the regular job right now. What do I paint? Anything and everything that pops into my head! serious, realistic to silly and fantasy....

  35. I wasn't born with pencil in my hand, lol, but as soon as I could hold one I was drawing. It came naturally to me, and when I was four I was creating my own coloring book pages. Throughout my life there have been times when I didn't do any art..and during those times I really, really missed it. Now, I've given up trying to make myself into something else, lol...I'm an artist and a dreamer, through and through ;) Kathryn

  36. Lovely to see what everyone has been up to. I've been painting little Zines lately, using watercolor.

  37. This past week realizing how grown up my children are so they are in the paintings I have posted. The themes for illustration friday and theme thursday worked well to use images that I had of them. My daughter is in Cambodia at the moment and it is the first Easter we have not been together as a family.
    Hope you all have your families together for Easter :)

  38. I have just discovered this blog. I have added a link but my paintings are currently done with encaustic waxes and an iron tool rather than a brush. I love this method and prefer to work it in small sizes as I can somehow make it more detailed. I was given the kit a while back with no instructions and by the time I did get a book on how to do it it was too late as I had found a method I liked and couldn't get on with the "proper" way. Perhaps because I used to do watercolours many years ago.
    I hope you all had a Happy Easter. I did, as I had my 60th birthday last saturday.
