
Friday, September 25, 2015

Paint Party Friday: Week 29, Year 5 Check-In

Welcome to Week 29 or Year 5 here at Paint Party Friday! this week chose #41 - Ginger Burns. In a collaborative effort with her young son, Ginger painted this lovely textured scene. Fall has arrived in the North and this painting has the same hints of Autumn that many of us are starting to experience. Please check out her post for more detail!

image courtesy of Ginger Burns

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts. Have a colourful and paint-filled week!


  1. Wonderful painting from Ginger! Happy PPF everybody! Valerie

  2. Happy PPF everyone. Ginger this is a beautiful piece. Well done with your son.

  3. Ginger, how nice this is! What fun to collaborate with your son in an art project!

  4. Congrats, Ginger. I think it is great to include your son, a good experience for both!

  5. Love this collaboration Ginger did with her son!! Congratulations! Glad it was featured hope he sees it!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Wow, this is a beautiful expression of "Fall" from mother and son. That makes it extra special. Love the a tapestry.

  7. Congrats Ginger. How very special to be painting with your son. A beautiful depiction of your fall. Blessings, Janet

  8. Indeed, that beautiful work by Ginger and her son, looks like autumn here in Finland.

  9. This painting is full of Autumn spirit, very special and beautiful!

  10. What a great painting! It certainly deserves the spotlicht! Happy PPF to all! - Irma

  11. A beautiful painting Ginger, perfectly reflecting the start of the season. It must have been even more special to have created it with your son.
    Happy PPF to you all

  12. Very fitting for the season in the Northern hemisphere and a beautiful collaboration by Ginger and son! Happy PPF!

  13. Love the work by Ginger and her son, going over to visit. Thanks for always hosting ladies!

  14. What a way to start my Friday! Thank you for the feature and thank you all for your kind words about my work. This is such a warm and supportive community in which to share. I truly appreciate each of you and your visits and conversations through comments. It always gets my weekend off to an inspiring start!

  15. Wonderful textures and a marvellous atmosphere too! Lovely work. And its so nice to do art with children.

  16. Happy PPF everyone. Luv the textures in the feature today. Congrats to Ginger

    Much love...

  17. Absolutely beautiful Ginger and congrats your feature.
    Happy PPF!

  18. I look forward to this PPF every week. It is like a bright spot. Thank you so much. You encourage me to continue to draw. The artists here are all so sweet. I love your featured artist, too. :D

  19. You chose a wonderful painting, beautiful work! First time linking up here. Thank you so much for hosting! Wishing you a happy day, Wen
