
Friday, November 21, 2014

Paint Party Friday: Week 37, Year 4 Check-In

Welcome to Week 37, Year 4 of PPF!

This week has chose #64 - Pam. Great to see you back Pam with this vibrant painting of a little girl and her knapsack about to start off on a great adventure! We copied the quote she used as well since it went SO well with it!

First Steps, 8 x 8 Enamel - image courtesy of Pam

"Step with care and 
great tact, and remember
that life's a great
balancing act." 
-- Dr. Seuss

As always, please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for PPF when they arrive (after Friday) at your website. If you are unfamiliar with Mr. Linky, an explanation of how this tool works can be found on Week 1 and Week 2 posts.
For those PPFers in the U.S. we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving on Thursday!! We are ever thankful for you, your fun participation and your awesome paintings.


  1. Great to see Pam's lovely entry, and to see her back painting again! Valerie

  2. Very cool piece - loving the enamels! Happy PPF!

  3. Good morning from Turkey to all Paint Party Friday attenders. It is always nice to see all the talented artists here. I loved the layers and colors in Pam's piece.

  4. Very interesting medium. Interesting to see a painting from a different viewpoint. Good work.

  5. Oh, such strong and love loving colors in Pam's painting!

  6. Great quote and wonderful painting for the illustration. Blessings, Janet

  7. delightful painting by Pam. Happy PPF!

  8. Pam your artwork is so adorable! Happy PPF to everyone!

  9. Love that piece with the flying bird! Mind's a WIP this week, but that's okay

  10. I love your painting Pam! And the quote from Dr. Seuss - so appropriate. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! See you in 2 weeks.

  11. Wow! Just logged in and saw this! Thank you all for your comments. I've been away from painting for awhile due to life's interruptions. It's good to be back with y'all! ;)

  12. Love the painting and the words!!!
    I have been busy! hope you can come by!
    Happy thanksgiving!

  13. love all the art and the creative people thanks for hosting have a great thanksgiving

  14. love the painting and the quote which goes so well with it. it describes how i have been feeling this last month. congratulations, pam. happy ppt to all! xo

  15. Love the shadow on the painting! Thanks for hosting happy painting!
